max & jack

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background :

 September 2nd, 2016 was the day jack and max become friends it was  memorable for both of them they were sitting in the back of the bus taking photos on snapchat  and talking about girls when jack dropped his  backpack he made eye context with max and they locked up at each other with a smile they made an agreement to always be friends and  pinky swear it was a sing of promise to never forget were it all begain over time the boys grew older and as  time went  on they started to fall into the trap of highschool the grils , the groups,   the queens and kings who ruled high school we all know them they call themselves the " popular   kids " they will mentally mess you up make you think you need to change your locks to fit in there big group  make you feel like you have to dress up to impress the boys they were the worst  but max and jack couldn't face  the trap instead they fell into it without a clue of the consequences 

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