Chapter 5(Back to Brooklyn)

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I woke up to someone kissing the top of my head. It was strange because I don't remember falling asleep next to my dad or having a boyfriend. "Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?" asked the young man next to me.

"Who are you? Why am I in a hospital room?" I asked. I scrambled out of bed and looked around the room.

"Brooklyn, it's me Dillion. You fell and hit your head pretty bad. You were rushed to the hospital last night."

"Where are my parents?"

"Their back home in Arizona. We're in a hospital in Richmond, Virginia."

"What are we doing in Richmond, Virginia?"

"We're on an assignment that's disguised as a school trip. We are trying to get Eden and Jace talking again." he said and I looked at him confused. How did he know I was a secret agent and how did he know about my new case. I haven't even met her yet. "Do you seriously not know where we are?"

"No I don't. I have no idea where I am or who you are." I said and two people walked in the room.

"Dillion, I got your text. What's the emergency?" the young woman asked.

"Who are you guys?" I asked.

"When we woke up, it was like she had lost her memory. She doesn't remember where or who any of us are." the guy named Dillion said

"Who are you guys?" I asked again.

"Brooklyn, it's me Eden, your best friend. This is Jace. you met him at the pool yesterday." the girl said.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know who any of you are. I've never met any of you before."

"Come on Brooklyn. You've seen me before. We've been going to school together for a couple of months now. I'm the quarterback for Lightening High. please tell me you have some recollection of me." he said and now I recognised him. I blushed because I've had a crush on him and he had kissed me and had called me beautiful. I guess he saw me blush because he relaxed a little bit.

"You still don't recognise me Brooklyn?" Eden asked.

I remembered seeing a picture of her in the file I was given for her. "No I don't. I'm sorry." I lied. I knew only what was in the file. Just then a doctor walked into the room.

"Brooklyn how are you feeling?" she asked

"Fine I guess. Who are you again?" I asked

"I'm taking care of you until you're good to leave. We met last night after you got here."

"I'm sorry but I don't remember last night."

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"The last clear thing I remember is walking to school on Friday morning. Everything else is hazy."

"Weird." she said and wrote something down. "Alright I need everyone out so I can run some tests on Brooklyn."

"I'm not leaving her. She's my girlfriend." Dillon said

Girlfriend? What had happened since Friday that I was able to become the girlfriend of the hottest guy in school? I thought to myself.

"It'll only take a few minutes, then you can come right back in. does that seem alright?" the lady said

"Fine, but no more than five minutes. Once those five minutes are up, I'm coming back inside, unless Brooklyn calls me back in here." Dillion said. He, Eden and Jace walked out of the room and the door shut behind them.

"So Brooklyn, do you know what day it is?" she asked.

"As far as I know it could still be Friday?" I said and shrugged.

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