Part Three:School Of The Vessel

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I was surrounded by Grimm, like how I was at the exam. I didn't have my weapons and I was already wounded, my gut a slash through it.

I looked up and behind me, to see the man.

Y/n:You're not gonna help me?!

He stayed silent and I was attacked from behind.


I woke up in a sweat, I clutched my necklace and sat up quickly. I took a few deep breaths before standing up, I turned my scroll on to see the time.

Y/n:Three in the morning, I never wake up this early.

I went to the bathroom and I splashed some water on my face, when I looked up at the sink I saw the man again. His dark mist of a face staring into my soul.

DEATH:Τόσο αδύναμος.

I fell back from the surprise and landed on my ass, I slowly got back up and looked back into the mirror just for him to be gone.

Y/n:I'm going crazy.

I grabbed my uniform and a towel before stepping into the shower, I washed myself clean and then let the water run over me.

DEATH:Χαμένος χρόνος.

I quickly looked around but I couldn't see anyone, it was just his voice again.

Y/n:This is getting annoying!

I got out of the shower and dryed myself off, I changed and began to waste time before classes started. When it became time for class I grabbed my bag and left, I walked into the classroom. A man named Professor Port stood at the front of class.

Port:Ah, Mr.Kama. The one man team of Beacon. Glad you could make it.

Y/n:Me too.

I took my seat at the back of the class and waited for class to start, to my surprise the class itself was just story time. He gave us tales of his youth, he finished and looked at me.

Port:Mr.Kama show us what the one man team of Beacon can do.


I jumped down to the front of class and used my semblance, two vortex's appeared on my left and right and I shoved my arms in. I ripped them out and my scythes were wrapped around my arms, he let out a boarbatusk but it didn't attack me. It just looked, like it was afraid. I took a step forward and it took a step back, I began to spin my scythes by the chain as I walked forward. I wanted it to attack me, I wanted to fight but that wasn't normal. I never craved a fight before.

Y/n:What's wrong?

I dashed into a vortex and appeared behind it.

Y/n:Are you scared?

I put my scythe around it's throat and pulled back, cutting it's head off.

DEATH:Ίσως είσαι καλός?

Port:Well, well! I've never seen the creatures of Grimm have a hint of fear in their eyes! Well, done.

Y/n:It was afraid of me.

DEATH:Είμαι το πιο σκοτεινό ον, έτσι φυσικά τα τέρατα σε φοβούνται.

The class ended and I put my weapons away, I walked through the halls. People gave me weird looks but I wasn't bothered by it, during combat class I was called up to fight and a boy named Skylar stepped up to fight me.

Sky:Hey, you're the freak that messed with the boarbatusk. I wonder what kind of trick you pulled.

My body began to tremble with excitement, I craved a fight again. I tried to keep my head but I was failing, the chains of my scythes shot out of portals I made and wrapped around my arms. I whipped the scythes into my hands and looked at Sky lar before pointing my weapons at him.

Y/n:Let's just fight.

He raised his halberd and rushed at me, I dodged the attack and kicked him in the back of the head. He took a few steps back before coming to swing at me again, I blocked the blade with my own before kicking him in the gut. He jumped back again but I didn't let him go, I ran forward and kicked him across the jaw. As he recoiled I slid around him and jumped up to knee him in the nose, he fell back and looked up at me as I smiled down at him. His eyes widened as he looked at me, I could feel the fear and hatred.

DEATH&Y/n:What's the matter? Afraid?

I took a step forward as he crawled back, he was afraid of me.

Sky:Stay...stay back!

He aimed his weapons at me to fire but I dashed forward and kicked his weapon out of his hand, I grabbed his collar and got ready to drive my weapon into his skull but something held me back.

Y/n&DEATH:What is this?!

I looked back to see Goodwitch stopping me, I saw the same fear in her as I made eye contact.

Y/n:Why are you scared?

I felt that blood lust leave me, that need for battle and a fight. The need to kill and destroy. I looked back at Sky to see him trembling in my grip.

Y/n:No, no.

I let go of him and backed away before leaving the class room, I went to the fountain outside. I looked down at my hands and at my weapons, I could see my reflection in the water but it still wasn't me. It was that monster.

Y/n:What's happening to me?! Why am I doing these things?! I suddenly find joy in pain and in fighting, I crave it. Why?

??:I might be able to answer that.

I looked back to see Ozpin standing there, his cane in his hand.

Ozpin:Will you join me in my office?

I nodded my head and we walked to his office, when we got there his mood quickly changed. He become much more serious as he sat down at his desk.

Ozpin:Y/n Kama, I know about your Guardian angel that your family has.

Y/n:What's that have to do with this?

Ozpin:Because that *thing* is no angel. More of a demon.

Y/n:That thing?

It suddenly hit me, the man that spoke to me, the monster I saw in my dreams, the lust for a fight.

Y/n:You can't be serious.

Ozpin:I am very serious. Your Guardian angel is Death, the soul eater, the ultimate warrior.

Y/n:This is crazy! You're crazy!

Ozpin:But aren't you the one seeing things? A being dressed in a black and red robe, a scythe at his side. That necklace of yours is the thing *he* was sealed inside of.

Y/n:How do you know all of this?!

Ozpin:....My....predecessor saw things you wouldn't believe. Things of a monster worse then any of the Grimm, the worst creation the gods could make.

Y/n:So, what now? Shouldn't I just throw away the necklace and be done with it?

Ozpin:If only it was that easy, no, you're his vessel now. He's bonded to you, there is no easy way out now.

Y/n:Great! Then what do I do?

Ozpin:You suppress him, push him down.

Y/n:How do I suppress the Grim Reaper?!

Ozpin:That is for you to find out.

DEATH:Δεν υπάρχει καταστολή από μέρους μου

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