We're On

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"You guys are on in five," Carol called, peering at the hip-hop-duo. Showing they understood, Pico and GF each gave her a thumbs up. They were seated on a couch in the makeup room, awaiting further instructions from the Heuristic Entertainment staff. Carol smiled at the couple and went away, whispering something into her headset.
GF seemed nervous, which was very out of character. Normally, she peaked in moments like this, but tonight, she shook her leg shook anxiously. Pico noticed GF's distress and gently placed an arm over her shoulders. "It'll be okay." He assured her. GF just smiled sadly, staring at her boyfriend's light eyes. 

After a few minutes, Carol returned. She claimed the duo would be called on stage any second, so the couple rose from their seats and followed her away. Carol led them down a short hallway and then pushed open a heavy door connecting the hall to backstage. Quietly, they stood behind the curtains, waiting patiently for Hex to cue them. They couldn't quite hear what Hex was saying; through the curtain, his voice was muffled. he said something like "Andwehavetwoveryspecialguests, Pico and GF!".
For a moment, the couple continued standing behind the curtain, that is, until Carol pushed them through, whisper shouting, "that's you guys!". Pico nearly lost his balance as he stumbled on stage, he had good reflexes though, and quickly planted his feet apart from each other to avoid an actual fall. GF, on the other hand, totally ate it. She quickly stood to recollect herself, brushing off her shoulders and the bottom of her dress. The LIVE-studio- audience was trying hard to stifle their laughter. GF's eyes already looked glassy. 

"That was quite an entrance," remarked the robot man, Hex, earning roars of laughter. "in all seriousness, is she okay?" He asked Pico, who was standing beside his disheveled girlfriend. The ginger repeated the question to GF, earning a tiny, flustered, nod. "Pico and GF, everybody!" Hex exclaimed, and the audience began clapping and hollering in support. As they cheered, the hip-hop-duo took their seats across from the robo-host, right in the center of the stage. "We have a great medical team on standby," Hex explained after turning his microphone off, "if GF's hurt, I strongly advise she visit them. Here are your mics," he held out his metal hand, offering two, mini microphones. GF and Pico each took one. "they clip onto your shirt."
When the audience calmed down, the interview began. GF eased into the seat she had taken, absorbing her surroundings. Hex started abruptly, "So, how are you two?" he asked, making light conversation. GF didn't seem like talking much, so Pico had to step up and answer. 
"Oh, you know." The ginger breathed, "We live well, but these past few weeks have really been..."
"Emotional." GF chimed, crossing her legs. The robo-host nodded slowly. 
"That's right," He calmly remarked."the trio is now a duo. How exactly does that work?" 
"Well, everything works about the same," Pico responded, "but my world is just- ya know, like, half of it's gone." He stuttered. "Sheesh. I can't talk." The audience chuckled at the ginger's last remark; He was always self-aware which grew on fans. 
"I'm assuming she's the remaining half?" Hex asked, pointing his metallic claws at GF. Pico rolled his eyes. 
"Duh. Who else could it be?" Hearing this, GF grinned ear-to-ear. Pico said that so casually, meaning it must be true. Of course the brunette knew he loved her, but half of his world? When the boy could barely kiss her without getting nervous? Hex took notice of the girl's expression, and being the respected interviewer he is, tried to ask about it.
"You're happy to hear this." He remarked, "Tell me, do you think he loves you more or less than- uh." the audience began whispering frantically. GF's smile quickly fell. Maybe he shouldn't go there. "Scratch that." The robot ordered, pulling a notecard out of his breast pocket. "Your fans are dying to know, and forgive me if this sounds insensitive, but do you plan on continuing your music careers without BF?" 
Unsure how to answer, GF looked at her boyfriend for help. "We haven't, me an' GF haven't really talked 'bout this." Pico mumbled, staring at the floor. He thought for a moment and looked up at Hex. "I'd like to though." He explained, gaining confidence. 
"Me too." GF beamed, and the audience started chattering excitedly. Hex nodded. 
"I'm happy to hear that! They are too, obviously." He exclaimed, gesturing to the people in the crowd. "So when's the new album dropping?" Hex joked lightheartedly. The duo chuckled. 
"We were actually working quite a bit on it before BF passed." GF explained, "We haven't touched it since though. I'm not really sure what to do with it, you know? I've thought about this a lot, but Pico and I haven't talked it over." The ginger bit his bottom lip nervously. 
"I actually have some ideas, bae- GF. We can talk about this later. I didn't know ya wanted to continue working on it." 
"Hehe, okay." GF giggled. The audience ooed and gawked in excitement. 

Continuing the interview, Hex commented, "Alright, one more serious question, then we can dive into the fun stuff. That okay with you two?" The duo nodded in response. "Great." the host smirked, glancing at his note car again. "Last Sunday, at about 2 am, Pico was seen walking downtown." A photo of the ginger walking was projected onto a screen behind them, as well as on Hex's monitor-head. " A few hours later, a police report about him was released to the public illustrating that an assault took place. I'm wondering, what exactly happened?"
GF winced. She had anticipated this question all week but failed to come up with a decent answer. She knew being honest would destroy her boyfriend's public image, and lying would only make things worse. That's when Pico spoke up. 
"I see no reason to lie," He said, leaning back in his chair. "I-"
"Pico, wait." GF interrupted. "Hex, do we have to answer this one?" Pico raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend. 
"Technically, no?" The robot said unsurely. 
"They deserve to know this, GF." Pico urged. The brunette shook her head furiously. 
"I don't want them to think you're a bad influence." 
"I am a bad influence," Pico was getting noticeably heated, "c'mon babe, ya know that better than anyone else." Hex leaned back in his chair and remained silent; this exchange would raise Heuristic Entertainment's ratings for sure. "You care more about my rep than I do." The ginger remarked, furrowing his brows. "I'm not flawless. Neither are you by the way." 
GF scrunched her face up out of anger. She shouted, "Fine! Tell them you brought a fucking gun to your boyfriend's funeral!" then she turned pale, and slapped a hand over her mouth. She didn't mean to say that. 
"Okay." Pico mocked, "I brought a fucking gun to my boyfriend's funeral. Suck my dick." then crossed his arms like a pouting toddler. 

Without Him || FNF angst (Pico/BF/GF) polyWhere stories live. Discover now