Akaashi Keiji(angst-fluff)

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  • You and Akaashi rarely get into any fights

•but recently you have been feeling a little needy and it felt like you're own boyfriend didn't care

•he was always busy working on his new book or either too tired to tend to you

•and he never really gets defensive when talking to you so you confronted him

•"Keiji don't you think you should take a break for a couple days?"

•but as the two of you talked, he got frustrated and ended up lashing out on you

•"maybe I'm not the problem here, y/n. haven't you considered that you're being too clingy?"

•you reeled back, hurt

•even after you both had apologized to each other and him promising to be better to you, you can't help but think about what he had said

Akaashi sighs, as he finally finishes writing the last chapter of the book he'd worked hard on, and now that it's done, he can finally spend time with you. Opening the door he calls out your name, hearing your soft response from the other room, made his head tilt with confusion, it's a little strange usually you would come up to him immediately, but he brushes it off thinking you were just busy or something. "Hi,darling!" he mumbles as he comes over to kiss you, you smile softly at him before turning your head back towards your laptop working on whatever your it was. Standing there awkwardly he starts to break the silence. "I brought dinner home. It's your favorite isn't it?" he says while holding it out to you. You look up to stare at him and nod your head silently.  His eyebrows furrows in confusion, but sets up the food anyway. The two of you ate silently as tension and awkwardness floats around the air. Akaashi can't figure out what's wrong, but he feels that if he asks it would just make the situation worse. Once you finished eating you stood up and smile at him before putting away the dishes and heading towards the bedroom silently. Akaashi sighs deeply. He had hoped that you would be excited to see him as he had been for you, but now he feels like something wrong is going on. As he followed you into the bedroom, he sat beside you on the bed, poking you gently. He looks down at you softly. "Did you want to watch something together? I got some snacks from the store, we could eat those?" he suggested eyes brimming with hope. Your eyes lights up at the thought but dims as you recalled what he had said to you the other day. "It's okay Keiji" His heart sinks at your response.            " Butー" he tries to retaliate but you cut him off first with your quiet response, "Actually, I think I'm gonna hit the hay for the night," He glances at the clock seeing that it's past 8, but you never go to bed that early. The two of you sat in an awkward silence. Akaashi can't help but ponder about what went wrong, he thought about the fight you both had yesterday, but surely you can't have believed anything he had said, right? He could never feel that way to you, he loves you more that anything in the world. But when he glances at you, he realizes that his words had hit you hard more than he could imagine, to the point where you won't even look at him. So he reaches over, hands sliding under you, as he hoists you up to his lap. "Keijiー" but before you can even finish he cuts you off, "what I can't cuddle with my beautiful darling?" you sigh. "You don't have to this just because I complained last night," you laughed dryly, in attempt to mask the hurt he had caused you. But he had seen right through your attempt though, he raises his hand as he brushes your cheek gently. "Darling," he whispers. "You know I didn't mean it like that" You exhale the breath you didn't know you were holding, as you looked elsewhere to avoid his gaze. "You were right though, I am too needy." He cups your cheeks gently forcing you to look at him. "Hey, that's not true at all, okay? I love you, more than anything in the world, and I love spending time together with you, you're never too needy for me." He says as you let him smother you with soft kisses all over your face, giggling when he reached to your neck as he smiles against you. "Let's spend some time together, okay?"

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