A Discovery

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Yennefer can feel the sweat running down her arm and dirt sticking between her clammy fingers and she can't feel her hand.

Every inch of her skin's roasting hot but she also feels like her bones have been turned to icicles and she can't stop shivering. She knows she must be hurt (how could they not have hurt her?) but all there is is hot and cold and a buzzing numbness between the two where her body should be.

She tries to open her eyes and the world swims up at her and falls away all once, the vertigo making her stomach lurch.

Is she going to die? Her mother's supposed to be there when she dies. She promised. Yennefer starts to cry at the thought because in that moment it feels like the worst thing in the world, but then she hears something moving and she tries desperately to be quiet again.

She doesn't want to die alone but it's better than being found.

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