Part 15

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Vorce made his way through the cramped hangar bay of the Rasp. From the dorsal wings of two Delta-class escort shuttles, barely clearing the ceiling, to the double Tie Fighter elevator rack which extended at an angle deep inside the frigate's starboard boom, there was little room to spare. Parked amidst all this, with several shiny black Astromech droids fussing around it, was Vorce's personal ship, the Albatross. A highly customized executive model of the HWK-290 light freighter, it featured a twin-deck design, with the rounded upper deck bulging smoothly from the ship's otherwise angular hull just aft of the cockpit. A pair of military-graded remote quad laser turrets were mounted top and bottom, and the ship's bare metal hull gleamed like moonlight in the lights of the hanger. The only paint to be found on the craft was a detailed mural of a Corellian war goddess on the ship's steeply angled armored prow. It's shape echoed the armored rams of ancient Corellian War Galleys, legendary for their speed and the reckless courage of their pilots, who were renowned for their liberal usage of their rams. No doubt the Corellian Engineering Corp hoped such imagery would appeal to the upscale clients for which the ship was intended, but in typical Corellian fashion the design was hardy and functional, and though rarely put to the test, ram was said to be lethally effective.

The narrow observation windows on the forward section of the upper deck were dark as Vorce picked his way through the hoses and cables scattered across the hanger bay deck. Standing dutifully beside the open hatch of the Albatross was an unremarkable cream colored 3PO series protocol droid, it's banal appearance belying the lethal assortment of weapons hidden beneath it's metallic skin, and the even more lethal programming with which to use them effectively.

"Good evening, Major Vorce", the droid said in a smooth, cultured female voice.

"Good evening, JNE", Vorce replied. "Are the girls on board?"

"Yes sir", JNE replied. "The ship is ready for departure."

"Excellent", Vorce said as he ducked into the hatch. Inside the cramped cockpit, his two Twi-leks were already seated in the pilot and copilot's seat, while a blue R2 unit occupied the aftermarket droid socket which was crammed in with the rest of the cockpit equipment.

"Good evening, ladies", Vorce said as he delicately removed his red-lined cape. "Are our guests comfortable."

"[Yes]", one of the Twi-leks replied in smooth Huttese. "[Very comfortable]."

"Very good", Vorce said. "Begin the liftoff sequence then. We will be departing immediately."

The two alien women began keying in the launch sequence as Vorce made his way up the narrow flight of steps to the upper deck. Inside, hidden from the outside by the dark shades over the windows, was a combined lounge-bedroom suite, with a large, luxurious bed at the stern end of the cabin, backed by the luminous translucent window of the miniature spa-unit behind it. Carefully laying his cloak on the bed, Vorce unlocked the hatch to the spa and stepped inside.

"Good evening, guests", Vorce said. "I trust you are not too uncomfortable?"

Seated back to back in the empty hot tub, their hands cuffed together, were Regan Altari and Cayl Ryssla, still disguised in Stormtrooper armor, though with their helmets removed.

"I gotta admit", Regan replied, "It could be a lot worse. This is one of the swankier prisons I've been in lately."

"Thank you", Vorce replied courteously. "We will be departing shortly, after which some of these crude necessities may be dispensed with."

Satisfied with the disposition of his prisoners, Vorce returned to the cockpit, just in time to see JNE-3PO ambling to her station as the hatch sealed shut behind her. As the klaxons began to blare outside in the hanger, the Twi-leks keyed in the final launch sequence and the Albatross lifted off and gently drifted out into space.

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