Naruto's Warning

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In the Buki household and storefront

Doragon, Tai, and Tenten are in the living room waiting for Naruto to come by.

In front of them is Naruto's stuff from his apartment.

Tenten: I hope he is doing okay.

Tai: I'm sure he's doing fine.

Tenten: Really? The last time we must visit him in the hospital wrapped up like a mummy.

Tai: You do have a point.

Doragon just sighed and got up and went to the kitchen and start making dinner.

Tai: Honey. Why are you making dinner this late?

Doragon: Look, Tenten will not eat well if Naruto is not here. And plus, the meal that I am making will take hours to make without help. So, you just sit there and comfort Tenten. Let me handle the food, okay.

Tai: Okay.

Back with Naruto in the alleyway dead end of the village

The villagers and ninjas were still paled from the testimony that Naruto just said.

But the three leaders of the group have other plans.

Jonin #1: Yeah right. You're not Kushina's son.

Naruto: Oh, please tell, what makes Kushina's son?

Jonin #1: For starters, you don't have the red hair that she has.

Chunin #1: Your face doesn't match to her's at all.

Villager #1: And, you don't have the grassy green eyes that she does anyway.

Jonin #1: What do you think of that Demon?

Naruto just tighten his grip on the kunais, but still has his grin on.

Naruto: But I carry her last name. And I wasted enough time. Time for the fun part.

Jonin #1: Couldn't agree you more. ATTACK!!!

Naruto: Oh no you don't.

At that moment, Naruto release his kill instinct on everyone around him, that makes everyone froze in fear.
Then, he runs around everyone like a circle. He runs faster, faster, and faster.
Until, everyone in the center of the circle is being lifted up by nothing but, air.
Everyone that is in the alleyway is still frozen in fear, so they could do anything.
Once they are in the air, Naruto used the trashcan and the walls as levers to climb light in the air and start cutting everyone in the air multiple times.
And, he used everyone that is still in the air as levers as well to climb high to do his finishing move.
Once Naruto is high enough to see everyone, he did his foxy grin on them.


Once Naruto said that, his hair grew to cover his body and turn him into a ball with spikes all around him.
He hits every single one of the people that was in the alleyway, they were knockout unconscious.
Once Naruto landed on the ground of the alleyway, he snapped his fingers.
Once he done that, all the bodies came falling down like rain, while they are still unconscious.
Naruto breathes a sigh of relief that he did not kill them just knock them out.

Naruto: And that's just a warning shot. All of that is raw power. So, leave me alone and treat me like a citizen of this village and when I am a ninja, treat me with respect for protecting you and be treated like an equal to you guys or else this will happen again, but I will aim to kill. I hope that I have implanted the fear of Kami-san in them.

Naruto lean back to a wall and slide down and looked up.

Naruto: You can come out now. And take them to Big Sis Anko and Big Bro Ibiki and let them have their fun with them.

Once Naruto said that all of his bodyguards came out of the shadows and grabbed the victims of this crime.
The leader stayed behind to see if Naruto is okay.

Dog: Are you okay kid?

Naruto: Yeah, I'm fine Dog-san. Just make sure that they heard everything of what I said to them, okay.

Dog: I will do that. Need some help going home tonight?

Naruto: Nope. I will be fine walking.

Dog: Okay. Well, ja ne.

Once he said that, he Body Flicker out of here.

Naruto: Well, might as well head on home.

Once he got up from his resting place, he heads to Panda Claws.

That's it for this chapter.

I hope you are liking this book so far.

Until then...

Ja ne

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