Chapter 1: Frozen Hearts

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  • Dedicated to Winter Colleen Shanra


A trail of delicate ice flowers bloomed beneath my bare feet. I twirled my staff which never left my side, curling frost around the polished oak wood. I glanced up at the pale moon, the light illuminating complicated patterns entwined into my ice. The Man in the Moon was about to tell me something. The moonlight blurred, obscuring my vision. Blinding whiteness encased me.

I blinked, confused and disoriented. I saw myself plunging into freezing cold water again, and heard the loud and sickening crack of breaking ice. That was just the beginning of winter. It held me in its unrelenting grip, chilling my bones and freezing me numb. As the ice turned solid, fear and panic overwhelmed me again. I was locked in this iron prison, frozen stiff and stuck. Time became meaningless; my pathetic life was hanging onto a single strand of light. Every night the moonbeams crept through the cracks and crevices to sustain me. Was it trying to save me? Hope became a cruel lie I told myself every day.

One night, a shout pierced through my daunting dreams. It wasn't my sister though. But it was a girl, the sound muffled by thick ice separating me and the world. That was all I could comprehend before I started floating upwards, my lifelong cage shattering as easily as thin glass. I could breathe once again. I gulped mouthfuls of air into my lungs, the coolness soothing me. The moon, it was so big! I looked back down and the pond that stole away my life and memories to see that my body had changed beyond my imagination. My once strong and healthy limbs, were now unearthly pale and scrawny; my eyes, the warmth was sucked out of them to a crystallized blue; my hair, as white as snow, there was not a strand of brown left. But that wasn't the only price I paid.

I jolted back into reality. That was decades ago. "Find her", the moon whispered,"Find her..." The girl, the one who called my name. In a world this big, how was I going to find her? But I wasn't alone anymore. Wind blew towards me and gently lifted me up. At my bidding, I flew off to the first place I could think of.


The ground froze solid in my wake. I was so deep in thought that I didn't care for once. Why didn't anyone tell me? Why couldn't they tell me earlier? In the letter my parents, my true ones, not the King and Queen, they told me about how I was adopted.

A shower of glittering snowflakes greeted me when I gently eased open the envelope. I gasped in wonder and delight when they shot up into the air, swirling and twisting then falling lightly onto the blank piece of paper. Faint curved words appeared, glowing in the dim room. Our dearest daughter, I read silently, you must be all grown up now, with my curly blond hair and your father's twinkling blue eyes. He is standing right beside me now, as we write this letter filled with our love to you. He loves me; I see it in his sea blue eyes. Soon you will too find a husband, my darling, may your love be as strong and beautiful as ours... or even more.

There was a smiley face there and I chuckled hoarsely, tears threatening to spill over my eyelashes. Tears of joy, I realized, not sorrow. I blinked them away to keep reading. Although this is a happy reunion, I fear it must be short. Man in Moon is coming and we must prepare. Who is Man in Moon? With confusion and curiosity, I continued reading. I remember when you were caught in an avalanche and you were so, so cold. Your skin was like stone and it started turning blue after you were in a coma for weeks. We searched far and wide for a cure to save you. As we did this, we finally found a girl and her mother. The girl's brother, Jack, fell into an ice pond when saving her. They said that Man in Moon could save him and you. We didn't believe them, but many tried to help you with no prevail. Oh, but we loved you so...and when you began to turn to unmoving ice, we agreed.

Back then you did not have a name. The wise Man in Moon decreed that only the warmest and truest love could save you. As your parents, we immediately decided that our love would do. He warned us that the pain would be unbearable and that some of the ice would always stay in your heart. Here I am, kissing you goodbye for who knows how long. Moved by our decisions, MiM (Man in Moon) offered us a 'gift': He could erase our memories to lessen the pain. He did the same for you and the other family. The mother of Jack seemed reluctant, but she too was prepared to sacrifice anything, anything for her son. The boy Jack should be alive and well, please find him and tell him the truth. Maybe he still hasn't resurfaced, the love of his sister and mother may not be enough to melt the chains of his ice enclosure. My daughter, know that even the tiniest bit of hesitation can taint pure love.

Now let's continue our story. As you turned warm and alive once again in my arms like a newborn, I named you Elsa, my little snowflake princess. Here I am, stroking your head where wisps and hints of my golden hair are growing. Please don't cut your hair; I would love it just the way it is. My memory of you is starting to fade...

Next was a line of sturdier words. Tears were now flowing freely down my face. Ella -- your mother left first. Without a word and no hint of recognition, she dropped you into my hands and walked away. I looked at her in surprise and a wave of understanding hit me. You were alive, you were well. Now was the time we paid in return. We both knew you would be different, so we entrusted the King and Queen of Arendelle with you, hoping you would be safe and happy in that secret island. Living in a castle like a true princess! That was what we wanted for you. I wish with all I can that you are still happy and content, living the life you want.

"I am, Dad, I am." I say, voice breaking. To have parents who loved me so much. That's when you pointed your little hand up and a tiny little snowflake appeared. My eyes grew wide with amazement and love for you. I would never choose to leave you if I had the choice. The sister of Jack and her mother were leaving, with no memory of Jack and each other. I was worried for the young girl. She was no more than eight years old, leaving to live on her own. She made me think of you still in my arms, but not a second later I would be gone too. I glanced up at MiM. He shrugged and said, "There is always a price too high to pay for life." I growled and almost lunged for him, but he stroked your face ever so gently and crooned, "Find Jack, will you? He must be freezing in that pond." You nodded; blinking those innocent and adorable big eyes then ran off. The last thing I heard was your sweet voice yelling 'Jack-'

The letter ended abruptly. My father must've lost his memory and love too, the most important things in the world. Every word was now etched into my heart. I sobbed, feeling deep sorrow. A tear dropped onto the words so I touched it, hardening it in place before it could dampen the paper. A frozen sparkling teardrop-shaped piece of ice now stood in its place. No more crying, I thought. I needed to find the boy. I wiped away the tears on my cheek with the back of my hand and stood up. With the precious letter in my hand, I ran off to the library.

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