Jelousy (george and alex)

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Alex came stumbling in his apartment drunk as fuck after a night out with Lewis and James

his shaky hands opened the door and closed it "George are you awake?" he said stumbling into the kitchen

no response

he must be asleep Alex thinks to himself struggling to walk straight

he stumbled into his bedroom to be met with a pair of blue eyes staring at him

"George what the fuck are you doing in my room you fuck" he slurs out

"you said you was going out with James" he responds

"I did" alex says rudely

"that's funny" George says standing up getting off the bed "because Lewis was there to alex you didn't tell me that bit, did you?" He continued saying it in a deep voice

"why do you need to know who I'm out with george"

George let's out a chuckle

Alex carries on "it's not like you 𝘰𝘸𝘯 me"

George walked up to him pinning the younger boy on the wall with his hands up

"awh little Georgie can't keep it in his pants" Alex says bursting out laughing

George takes his right hand and cuffs it around Alex's neck and leans down to his ear

"oho Alex your gonna regret that" he says in a raspy voice

Alex stops laughing

yeah that's it lol
you can think what happens next :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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