
21 3 31

Nicht unbedingt getaggt but ja

full name
Call me Mali

zodiac sign

3 fears
My friends and family People dies, war and that i'm not loved (ist das egoistisch?)

3 things i love
My family and friends, music and bubble tea

4 turns off's
I don't know

My best friend
Is not on Wattpad and i don't know if they see me as friends

Sexual orientation
I don't know but all is okay

My best date
Never has one

How tall are you

What do you miss
The old time and SHINee with Jonghyun

What time was i born
I don't know

Favorit color
All but blue

Do you have a crush
Taemin and Jonghyun

Favorite quote
It's scary what a smile can hide
Several by Jonghyun

Favorite place
On the couch

Favorite food
I don't have

Do i use sarcasm

What i listening to right now
Why why why - ikon

First thing i notice in a new person
Uhm i don't know maybe Character

Shoe size

Eye color
Brown green

Favorite style of clothings

Favorite style of clothings

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Ever done a prank call

What color of underwear am i am wearing right now
What the hell

Meaning behind my user

Favorite movie

Favorite song
The truth unthold - BTS and Tell me what to do - SHINee

All time fav
Our Page - SHINee

Favorite band
Is The Rose a band?

How do you feel right now

Someone i love
I don't know

My current relationship status

My relationship with my parents
Quite good

Favorite holiday

Tattoos and piercings you have

Tattoos and piercings i want

Do i ever get "good morning" or "good night"

Have i ever kissed the last person i texted
No we've never meet

When did i last hold hands
A class

Where am right now
Im living room

If you was drunk and couldn't stand who would catch up
I don't know

Do i like music loud or at a reasonable level
More reasonable level


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