chapter 1

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3rd pov

'Come on Shoto, you know we can't pay for this ourselves,' Midoriya exclaimed. Shoto sighed, 'well, Izuku, what do you want me to do?' Shoto was done with it, they had been looking for an apartment for the last month, but they couldn't find anything within there salary range.

Sure, being a hero and all paid well, but still, living in the middle of Tokyo was expensive. Not to mention that they had just started being hero's. They had only graduated from U.A. about a month ago.

'I... I don't now Shoto, maybe we can think about getting another roommate?' Shoto didn't like that idea, hell he even hated it. Sure he was willing to live with Izuku, but that didn't mean that he liked living with others. He only considered rooming with Midoriya, because they had become great friends over the last 3 years. And, like he said before, Tokyo was an expensive place to live.

Midoriya and him had become close friends over their years together in U.A. They knew everything about each other. They could read each other well, so he knew that ones he suggested that they would get another roommate Shoto would freak. But he didn't see another solution, so he continued.

'Shoto, I know how much you love your privacy and how much you hate strangers, but I don't see another option here.' He saw Shoto's face darken, 'but that doesn't mean we have to live with strangers,' he continued. 'We can ask someone from U.A. if they can use another set of roommates?'

Shoto doubted, sure he didn't like living with others, but he would hate it a bit less if he already knew them, plus he had already survived rooming with them through their years in U.A. And they couldn't exactly live with Izuku's mom for the rest of their lives.

He sighed, 'Alright, you can ask them.' Midoriya's face lit up. 'But,' he continued, ', if that pervert wants to live with us, he can't.' Izuku shook his head. 'Deal, now shall we eat something in a café down the street? I heard they have great cold soba,' Izuku added. Shoto's face lit up.


Shoto plopped down on the spare matrass in Izuku's room. He groaned. Today had been a though day. After eating cold soba with Izuku they needed to go back to work. Since they both worked at his fathers agency they decided to just go to work together. And that was a mistake.

As soon as his father saw them walking into the agency like they had all the time in the world he exploded. He yelled at them for being late, with they were, but only with 1 minute and 11 seconds, and made them do extra laps during their training.

He groaned again. He heard Izuku stifle his laugh behind him. 'I'm going to take a shower Shoto,' he heard Izuku announce. He let out another groan as to show that he had heard him. He heard Izuku rumbling around the room and after a few moments he heard him leave the room. And he decided to close his eyes for a bit.

Izuku walked back into the room and stretched his tired muscles. A satisfying pop was heard and he let out a sigh. He walked towards his bed. 'Hey Shoto, would you be okay with it to get two roommates instead of one?' He asked. He waited for a minute, but when he didn't got an answer he looked up. And there was Shoto, still completely dressed, sleeping peacefully. And Izuku couldn't help but admire the boy in front of him.

When awake Shoto was a sight for the sore eyes, but when he was asleep he was completely relaxed. He looked so... peaceful. He didn't look at all like the stiff and formal boy Izuku knew. Izuku knew that he shouldn't have these kind of thoughts about one of his best friends, but he couldn't help himself. He just wanted to hold Shoto's hand, kiss him on the cheek or even run his hands through the other boys hair.

Shoto's hair had always been a fascination of the green haired boy. He always wondered how the other boy could keep it that tamed. He also wondered if his hair would be soft if he touched it, or if it would be stiff from the gel. He always wanted to just run his fingers through Todo's hair and watch as the red would mix with the white.

So, since it was the only logical thing to do, he softly combed his fingers through the half white, half red, boys hair. He could hear the other boy letting out a small moan. And the green haired boy loved it. Shoto's hair was so soft and long. He could probably make a few tiny braids in the other boys hair.

Midoriya wished he could stay like this forever, running hand through Shoto's way to soft hair. Watching Todoroki's face relax and how the half-and-half boy unconsciously rolled closer to Izuku's hand, but he couldn't.

'Shoto,' he whispered, while still running his fingers through the other boys hair. A small groan could be heard from the scarred boy. 'Shoto,' he tried again while pulling the others hair softly. Shoto let out a small moan. Izuku grinned to himself, while finding out this small kink from his friend. 'What's up,' he heard Shoto mumble.

Izuku spoke once again. 'You need to take a shower and get dressed, before you go back to sleep.' 'But I don't wanna.' Came the intelligent respond from the other boy. Izuku smirked, 'well you are going to, because you stink and otherwise you can't sleep here.' Shoto groaned and stood up and left the room. Izuku heard the shower being turned on. He just hoped that the other boy didn't now that he had played with his hair and decided to app his former classmates.


Hey, does anyone need another 2 roommates?

Mean while Shoto was in the shower while his face was the same colour as his hair. Had Izuku really played with his hair?

~ 1029 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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