Ch. 7

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George's Pov:

I woke up in a room that was not mine. I felt a warmth beside me and a pair of strong arms around me. The figure next to me shifted and I closed my eyes again taking in all the warmth radiating from the other. This was nice, it was me and Dream, Dream and me, It was us against the world. Dream shifted again this time opening his eyes a little. He kissed my forehead and in a slurred, sleepy, horrible British impression, he said "Goodmorning love, how'd you sleep?" I giggled at this "Dream your British needs work love." He sat up letting go of me and putting on his hoodie since he slept in a sweatshirt. In an instant I was tackled down and a surprisingly light Dream, was laying over me. He wrapped his arms around under my knees and my back and picked me up bridal style and brought me to the kitchen and sat me down on a stool. He opened the cabinet and got out pancake mix and bacon. "Now George, you go sit in the living room and watch TV until I finish breakfast." I nodded and made my way to the tv room. I sat down and started to watch TV when we both heard a loud boom. We rushed outside to see what it was. Someone had exploded a grande next to our house. In an instant Dream ran inside and got his armor and mine and before we knew it our house was destroyed and a person in a black cloak was running away. Dream ran after him and threw his sword at the figure making sure to stun him but not kill him. Dream lifted the hood to reveal a scared yet angry Sapnap. "Sap? Why would you-" "BECAUSE DREAM!!! George was supposed to be MINE but noooooo you just had to go and kiss him and ruin EVERYTHING I worked for." Dream just sighed and told me to stay put the he was throwing Sapnap in prison for treason. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo came shortly to find me on my knees crying as I looked at what was once a beautiful house that was now destroyed. They all tried to comfort me but I just cried more. An already furious Dream came back and saw everyone around me and shouted "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM???!!!" They all got scared and backed away in unison. "Sorry.." he apologized. He picked me up bridal style and looked at what was our house. He wiped my tears and kissed my cheek assuring me it would be alright. After a while I fell asleep in his arms and the last thing I remember before I blacked out was Ranboo offered for us to stay at his and Tubbo's house and Dream agreeing and then I was placed in a light blue bed and drifted to sleep.

A/n HIIII GUYS!!!! Big plans for the upcoming chapters. Sorry I'm late on this I have been really busy with school and home and stuff. But ya'll know how this works, I finish a chapter and start a new one immediately. Ty for reading and see you all in the next chapter.

"Start a war for you." a DWT x GNF FanFic (Dream x George)Where stories live. Discover now