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How did I become a cannabilist? They both asked themselves well it's a long story and now we begin to say it.It was one cold scary night so many people hated this night because it was the night of the cannabilist everyone worried but not them they thought these were just folklores that cannibalism was not real it was just stories the town made up to scare the children they were so hard headed that when they saw a cannabilist they couldn't believe it was real they thought they were getting pranked sadly they weren't and they got bitten by one of these  ugly terrifying creatures.everything was spinning they were so dizzy then boom everything went black and soon they woke up with an impeccable hunger that they couldn't control and they rested for five days to try and control that hunger later they found eachother quackity and Cassie it's as if they clicked they laid eyes on eachother and they meet their other half they tried to avoid eachother but the chemistry they had between them didn't let that happen and it was killing them inside it just made them so hungry they wanted to eat eachother but at the same time rail eachother they didn't know what to do other than find their creator and this is when things took a turn....

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