Chapter 2

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I woke up, and for a second i forgot where i was. It would have been so nice to live in the peaceful life without knowing what just happened, but i had to get back to reality. I was still laying down on the rock that i had fallen asleep on, but i wasn't bleeding anymore. I glanced down at the dried blood on my hand. The blood must have spread while i was sleeping cause now my whole hand was covered in dried blood. I stood up ready to start climbing again.

 About 2 hours later, full of climbing and short breaks, i finally made it to the top of the mountain. The view was beautiful. I can see valleys that look like they will never end, and birds flying across the light blue sky, and pine trees towering over the small blueberry bushes. I can see wild cow's grazing on the bright green grass, and small yellow flowers covering the ground. "wow" i admired, taking in the amazing scenery. "i've never seen anything like it." And at that moment everything was perfect, no wild animals chasing after me while i run like i've never ran before, no painful hours of climbing up the sharp huge rocks on the mountain, and no more of the miserable life i used to have. Now, i live here. Forever.

The next morning i woke up startled by a loud noise i heard while i was sleeping. Last night had been a flash of going to find something soft to sleep on, looking for food, and exploring. I glanced behind me feeling the rise of panic and excitement in my chest. "Hello!" i called out. I didn't expect anyone to answer, since i was on the top of a mountain, but then i heard someone. "H-hi?" It was a person! The voice sounded like it was a boy, and they sounded really scared. I better help them, i thought to myself. I slowly walked across the broken rocks and looked for this strange boy. "Where are you?" i shouted. "Im over here!" the boy said helplessly. I followed the sound of his voice over to the side of the mountain and saw a boy who looks about the same age of me gripping onto the edge of the mountain trying not to fall. "oh my gosh are you ok?" "Please help me!" he shouted taking big breaths to calm himself. I grabbed his hands pulling him up with all the strength in my body, carrying all his weight. He pulled himself up onto the mountain, gasping for breath. He collapsed  in exhaustion laying his head on the rocky surface. I didn't want to wake him, but i was too curious, i needed to figure out what his name is, and what he is doing here. It would be nice to have some company, but he obviously didn't belong here. He was wearing what remains of nice pants, but now they were all ripped, and his shirt was a fancy blue button down, the kind you would see all the young men wearing at a fancy party. She gently shook him, trying to get his attention so he would wake up. When he didn't move, she shook him harder this time, and he started to stir. "Hey! wake up, i need to know how you got here" i said to him. He moved his hand feeling around him like he was looking for a pillow. "Hello?" He asked in confusion, he probably forgot where he was. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked him trying to be patient with someone who just woke up on the top of a mountain. "Well," he said, "I got lost, and i heard something up here, so i came up and found myself climbing up a mountain! Im Luke by the way." "Im Lydia" i said quietly, stunned by the amount of energy he put into that sentence after all he had been through. "Soooo what now?" i said after a long minute of silence. "Well i will probably be here for a long time if your'e fine with it, so i better get something to sleep on like you did." He pointed to the pile of leaves. "We could if your'e up to go into the woods right now. I told him. "Ok let's go then," Luke said. We walked over to the band of trees and set off into the woods.       


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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