3: A-loid

271 8 8

C: Tekken?? Thhat stheemths cool!? Sthure! I would love to! Wight guyths??

J: Ugh. Im not good in gamings and stuff like that. And Tekken is a very violent games, and it includes girls with gigantic thighs.. [Gigantic O.T.N XDDDD SORRY]

S: You my friend. Are talking to the master of games, which includes Tekken *puts shade on leik a boss*

C: Leths play Gabbibu!! But firthst... Whaths Tekken?? Ith it like Im Tekken thhe fwige.. *wink wink*

J: Clarence no. Tekken is a game which includes violence and too much fatttt thighs O^O Its... Germy, the gaming device is helb by thousands of people in different scenarios.. GERMS ARE ON THEM *TUNTUNTUNTUN* [Bg music XD]

S: So are we playing or not?

C: Leths justht go withh out Jeff.

J: Ok.  I-I'll stay here, germ free *huggles knees*

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