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If love is as sweet as a flower then mother's are that sweet flower of love....

The living angel in our life who easily handles everything in the house and also takes care of us is our mother. She is probably one of those few people who I can blindly trust. As many say that mothers are the supreme creation of God, for they hold a bit of God in themselves.

for the person who does everything for her child, it would be unfair if there wasn’t a special day. That is why Mother’s Day is a special occasion for a mother and her child(ren). Even though Mother’s Day is an annual celebration, but we should make sure to make it special for our mother every year.

We were seriously not gonna update but this update is just becoz today is Mother's Day....we dedicate this chapter to our mother without whom life is barren and incomplete....

However if targets are not achieved we ll lock the chapters and then you cannot read it before u pay .

So if you really want to read the story just complete the targets

Mahir's pov

A new morning started I got up did my gym continued my routine as it's a Sunday today so I have an off from the hospital hopefully and as it's a Sunday usually brothers day so we all either hang out together spend tym together or just chill at home .

Today as such no plans are made n no one's up so probably we are home .I went down it was already 11  . Soon 12. And then everyone was down some bathed others gross .

We all are struggling to order food as everyone has different choices . But the main problem is kunj my younger brother he does like to eat outside food nor does he prefers hotel food he loves home cooked but none gonna prepare finally ended up with ordering wada pav dosa and some sandwiches .

Soon lunch was followed in the same way

Lazy day .

After a short power nap from 2-3 I got up washed my face and started thinking abt the dinner date with Bela .

Whenever I say this name a different feeling touches my heart .

Good one .

Anyways .

I was thinking abt us .

Us sounds good

I started imagining my life with her how she would be as a wife she would take care of me , wake me up , sleep besides in my arms , cook for me , may be love me as well and then we can have ki...



What m I upto ???


Just then something popped up in my mind and the naughty smile on my face vanished away . And a lump formed in my throat . I was suddenly scared .



I have to tell her everything she deserves to know that if she is gonna marry me . It would be betraying her if I hid this from her . I don't want this relation to start with a lie or hid something that she is rightful of knowing.

So I decided no matter what I ll tell her everything then it's her decision after all it's her life

what if there no tomorrow for us then ???

But no matter what I ll tell her everything.

With this thought I was determined to tell her everything

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