Part 7: The Six Stages of Grief

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Harry had many thoughts running through his mind with discovery of Tom's and his fate. Yet it wasn't as many as the time in his captivity. It wasn't the many during fourth year. It wasn't the many he had and is having on Albus or Gellert. Nor the Stature of Secrecy nor other four dark lords roaming the World. All somhow either connected to Albus or Tom.

Fenir Grayback, for example, and now he appears to be mastering mundane fighting skills and expanding the bounds of werewolf magic. The Dark Werewolf Lord has long before his vassal alliance to Lord Voldemort. But that's a name that Fenir would slowly feast someone for using. He is better known as Alpha Crimison.

It is also why Lord Voldemort or Tom Marvolo Riddle is known as the true Dark Lord of the Wizarding World. The true successor of Gellert. As Fenir Grayback was known for his the fact he bow to nothing but dark magic and werewolves. Thus he bowed to the True Lord of Dark Magic. Funny how that works, huh?

Dark Lord Number Two being actually quite surprising Lady Narcissa Malfoy. However under a forced protection alliance and an extremely confidential international protection alliance with the I.C.W. Thankfully as Lord Emrys, Harry is the Highest member of the I.C.W even above the Supreme Mugwump so he is the Supreme Lord Mugwump of the I.C.W.

The protection of not herself nor her husband but Draco Malfoy. Thus how Harry knew exactly with his previous suspicions that Lucius Malfoy is abusive. Also he discovered directly how Lucius got into Voldemort's inner circle to begin with.

You see Protection Alliances are excatly what they sound like. They must be made however by the inherited Lord or Lady of the House as they pledge fealty and all assistance to their cause and enemies. All in exchange in all forms of protection. Not a single hair harmed too greatly. The problem with these alliances being the fact how easily mind Magic can be discarded in their writing.

That's why Voldemort can CRUCIO Draco as much as he wants as long there is no permanent damage nor death. Thus why a month before his birth and her arranged marriage that Narcissa wrote a letter to the I.C.W in exchange of her services against Lucius and his master thus blocking her from taking the Dark Mark and only being one of his best healers in his service.

Ironically the I.C.W alliance also protected all of her followers, spies and Mages under her own reign. Thus keeping all her own true secrets away from Voldemort and keeping the warfeont on Britain. Thus why most countries now call her The Gray Lady instead of the Dark Mistress. As in front she globally kept Voldemort inside Britain.

Yet that is also at the same time the Dark Mistress is one of the most hated people of Magical Britain history. Sitting right next Gellert, himself. Thus why her identity is a complete secret in Britain at least.

The Gray Lady was and is a remarkable Dark Lady as she is so far the first legal one in the past 6,000 years ago. With that said, Narcissa may have decided to take the law into her own hands yet she decided to change the laws of the magical world.

She formed several organizations, built her freaking magical country out on the seas(became a literal Queen), has her agency of aurors stopping dark wizards or redeeming them to her side and raising the spread of knowledge, and finally fought/destroyed entire armies with one flick of wand.

Gellert may have been to destroy armies in that caliber but not with one spell nor without a magical artifact.

Heck Snape joined the Death Eaters under her own orders as a spy against Voldemort. She had and has him shipping coded messages to the I.C.W and Amelia. All under a vow of course and a regularly updated one unlike Albus. Thus why he couldn't tell the coming Voldy nor Harry. That's why Harry had to figure it out.

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