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"Hallo" a monotone voice said. "Hello, Techno" I said. "Phill needs you again Y/n" he told me. This is the 10th time this week.. I'm going to kill them. I thought to myself "alright I'm on my way.. where is he?" I asked "over with Wilbur and Tommy" the monotone voice replied "and they are?" I said a bit angry. "At the hotel." He replied again "FOR GOD SAKES I JUST LEFT THERE-" I yelled. Techno laughed and I left the VC and ran back to the hotel "PHILL, WILBUR, TOMMY WHAT IS GOING IN THIS TIME?" I asked. "Y/N!" They all yelled at the same time then one by one they explained their side. Apparently, Wilbur punched Tommy and Tommy punched him back and stole his "blue" as Ghostbur calls it. Ghostbur gave Wilbur his blue a few minutes ago because Wilbur had a bad dream again. Phill came in and tired to get them to apologize to each other and calm down. But clearly it didn't work since Tommy was on top of Wilbur trying to hit him again while phill is holding onto Tommy pulling him away. "Tommy, down. Wilbur, come here. Phill you can go." I said in stern voice staring at the three of them. "Alright. If you say so Y/n" phill said letting Tommy go. Tommy and Wilbur froze like a deer in head lights. "Both of you, stop trying to kill each other." I replied again and walked over to them, I grabbed Wilbur and pulled him behind me. "Tommy, leave your brother alone." I said helping him get up with my other hand. "Yeah yeah" he mumbled he took my hand and got up. I felt two hands from behind me and I looked behind me and Wilbur was hugging me, I smiled at this. "You alright there Wilbur?" I asked him. "I'm fine, shut up and let me hug you" he replied still hugging me from behind. I chuckled and turned around hugging him back. I felt another two hands on me, and when I went to see who it was by my surprise it was Tommy. "Child let Y/n go" Wilbur said "No I don't wanna Wilbur. How about you let Y/n go?" Tommy replied. 

And me being the tired person I was and 100% fed up with their shit.. I pushed them both away and walked away

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