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Monday, April.26----5:00pm

Marcus and I had decided that we wanted to hang out some more after school. His mom and Casey were out, spending some quality time together, leaving Marcus and I alone.

I had changed into Marcus's hoodie and the shorts that I kept at his house, once we got to his house.

We were laid out on his couch, Marcus's legs spread out along the width of the couch and my head placed against his chest. He had his armed wrapped securely around my waist and he had his chin placed atop of my head.

"Hey, baby?" Marcus asked cautiously, not knowing if I was little or not.

"Yes, daddy?" I asked, looking up at him. The nickname makes me little everytime, he knows that. Bastard.

"I thought we should go over rules, punishments and rewards, baby."

I whined, "Nooooo, I's don wants to, dada."

I spun around so I had my legs wrapped around his waist and I was looking him in the eyes.

"We have to, baby. Now, will you be a good prince and let me speak to big Rivvy?"

I shook my head. He then gently placed his hands on top of my thighs, knowing that it would automatically make me big.

My eyes automatically turned from having a glossy, doe-like expression, to being more "normal".

I slowly got off his lap and headed towards the bookshelf, noticing the crayons and paper placed neatly on a shelf.

"We'll have to make 2 copies, one for each of us to carry with us." I pointed out. Marcus nodded.

"It shouldn't take us more than 10 minutes to write out a copy of rules, punishments and rewards for each other." Marcus stated, taking a blue crayon and a peice of paper from me.

I hummed in response and took my seat a little further down on the couch from where Marcus sat. I crossed my legs and began to write, falling into little space and basically just doing scribbles.

In the midst of writing, Marcus caught my attention, "Rivvy?"

I came out of little space and hummed, creating some sort of a response.

"Is this your first time being in a cg/l or dd/lb relationship?" I could sense a hint of caution in his voice, as if he was trying to assure me that it was okay if I didn't answer his question.

"I-I've ne-never actually been in-in a re-relationship b-before." I responded, looking towards the ground.

He leaned over and lifted my chin with his index finger and thumb. I was expecting to be met with a look of disgust or anything other than the smiling expression that I was actually met with.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked him nervously.

"Because this is also my first time being with someone in any type of relationship as well. I guess we'll be each other's firsts, then."

I smiled and quickly leaned in, connecting our lips. It was a chaste kiss but it still sent butterflies through my entire body.

We resumed writing each other's rules. Once we were done, we began reading them out loud, Marcus going first.

"Rules for my darling prince, whom I love with my whole being,

1. Always refer to me as daddy or dada when in little space, but only if you feel comfortable doing it

2. Eat at least 2 meals every day

3. Eat at least 1 serving of vegetables/fruit every day

4. Ask for candy, before taking it

5. Drink at least 3 glasses of water everyday

6. Always tell daddy/Marcky if something is wrong/you feel uncomfortable

7. Always be yourself around Marcky

8. Go to bed no later than 10pm on week nights and 12am on weekends unless you get special permission from daddy

9. Text/call daddy at least twice a day, no matter what

10. Visit daddy everyday

11. Have at least 3 sleepovers per week

12. Always make sure that you dress and act how you want to

13. Use inside voice inside

Now, for your punishments

1. If you were really bad, spankies

2. Naughty step

3. Time out/corner

4. No cuddles

5. No kissies

6. Early bedtime

7. No treats

8. No dessert

Now, it's time for rewards

1. Later bedtime

2. A special treat

3. New stuffy

4. Extra cuddles

5. Longer TV time

6. One of my hoodies

7. New nail polish

8. Let you do my nails

I think that's it, my love."

I lightly cleared my throat and began listing off my rules, rewards and punishments.

"1. Daddy/Marcky can never call me River

2. Never be mean

3. Never abuse or hit unless it's for shmex or spankies


5. Never yell at Rivvy

Now, punishments:

1. No cuddles

2. No kisses

3. A hoodie may get "borrowed"

4. No hugs

5. Grumpy/Mad Rivvy

Finally, rewards:

1. Returned hoodie, if you were a really good and deserving Marcky

2. Extra kisses

3. More cuddles

4. More hugs

5. Happy Rivvy

That's all, bugs."

He grabbed the TV remote, turned it off, then proceeded to lift me up bridal style and carry me upstairs.

It was now 9:00pm and Casey and Marcus's mom would be getting home soon.

With that, we ended the night being in each other's arms, Marcus occasionally kissing my forehead or my arm and whispering little, "I love you"s in my ear.

It was perfect and I didn't want anything to change.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Question of the week: When is your birthday?

My birthday is on January 24th!!

word count:  928

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