I Wish That You Stayed 1

614 10 7


Set After 4x01 (The hybrid room was never mentioned, Connor didn't stay) Prompt: Connor takes the job at the Mayo Clinic. Special Thanks to JuliaZaremba530 for helping me come up with this prompt and some of the story lines.

Ava stayed awake staring at her ceiling, she wasn't sure how long she stared at it. Minutes? Hours? She didn't know. Ava didn't know what time is was either, although it can't be that early or was it late? Anyways, the sun has started to make it way up or was it on its way down? Had she really been lying there sulking at her ceiling being as useful as a broken pen that she didn't even realize the sun rise?

Connor had left yesterday. She I tried to convince herself that he wasn't the reason for her not wanting to go to work. But no mattter how hard she tried to force Connor out of her mind, he always found a way back.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

"What is that noise?" She asked herself. Oh that must be her phone waking her up and telling her to get lazy body out of her bed and into the car to get to work. Beep, Beep, Beep.

"Ughh" She groaned why do all alarms have to be so annoying. Ava lay in bed for another 2 minutes before she finally turned her alarm off and got up from bed. She sat up in bed yawned then streched. She then grabbed her and saw the time 5:35. Why did she set her alarm so early? Whatever, its not like she can go back to sleep or start sleeping anyways.

Ava unlocked her phone amd checked the weather first, 15 degrees celsius (59 F for you weird people) not too bad for 5 am. She could go for a morning run then take a shower, after all her shift didn't start until 8. Why the hell did she set a 5:30 alarm?! Was she really that drunk last night? Wait a minute, if was drunk last night then why didn't she feel hungover right now? She shook her head, regardless of what happened last night she needed to get on with her day. Time is passing and she knows that its not gonna stop and wait for her to figure her life out. Once she leaves the warmth and comfort of bed, she surprised herself and actually made her bed before stepping into her washroom, where she brushed her teeth and hair. Then she proceeds to walk into her kitchen when she was still in her pyjamas which only consisted of a pastel green crop top shirt that had sleeves that ended at her elbows with the word "Sleep" on it written in cursive and small but loose black shorts, hence why she was starting to feel cold. So Ava went to her closet to go find a hoodie. She didn't have many if any because it doesn't generally get cold back in South Africa. After a few minutes of rummaging though her closet, she found a lump of soft grey fabric. Her brows furrowed as she didn't remember owning such thing. As she unfolded it Ava found out that it was one of Connor sweatshirts that she forgot to give back to him before he left. A sad smile formed on her face as she put the clothing item on. And before she left her closet she took pair of black leggings, a black sports bra and a baby pink wind breaker.

Before she went on her run, Ava headed to her to get some breakfast. She had a small of oatmeal and a few strawberries. People always said that she didn't eat alot at breakfast which is true, but the only resaon she ate so little was because she just had an extremely small appetite in the morning.

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