I Wish You Stayed 2

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Hello! Haven't seen you guys in a while!

Sorry this took a little longer than expected. I had finals so yeah.  In case you didn't know this the the second part to my first chapter and the there will be a part 3 coming soon. I hope this was worth the wait and enjoy!

Connor's Part

*A few weeks later*
Connor loved his job at the Mayo Clinic, it was so cool to actually be able to work there. But he did miss working at med. Everyday was great but there always felt like something was missing, or more like he someone was missing. He tried to shake the feeling off but it never worked, that same odd feeling always came back. Ava was right thought Rochester, Minnesota was pretty cold. How was she really doing though? On the phone call she claimed that she was fine but he heard her crying. Even though she brushed it off as being tired then hanging up right after, he didn't believe that she was fine and just tired. Connor would never admit it but he did miss Ava and when he called her he hoped that she would say that she missed him too. Wait a minute why was he feeling this so deeply? Ava was just his coworker and friend, that's all she was right? Right?!
"You ready?"
Bryan's (his best friend from med school) voice broke his train of thought.
"Ready for what?"
"Your welcome party man! How could you forget?
"Oh right that. Yeah I'm ready."
"You okay?"
"I'm good, it's just been a long day."
"At least you have a party to relax at now."
"Yup, but Ava won't be there." WAIT! DID HE REALLY SAY THAT ALOUD?!
"Ava? Who is Ava?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Ooooo does Dr. Rich Rhodes have a girlfriend?"
"No she's not my girlfriend, she's just my friend and coworker. We went to my going away party together."
"Are you sure that she just your friend and only that? Nothing more?"
"Yes, Bryan she was just my friend. Now let's going or we are gonna be late to my party.

Connor didn't feel like partying so he just grabbed a drink and went to the quiet balcony beside the party.

"Hey man."
"What's up with you today?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Come on Connor, you've been acting weird and distant this whole week."
"Like I've said before it's just work."
"I'm you best friend bro. Do you think I'm gonna buy your 'Its just work' excuses.

Connor sighs in defeat.

"So what's going on?"
Connor stays silent.
"It's this Ava that's got you all jumbled up isn't it?"
"Yeah" Connor says as he sighs again.
"Well, why don't you tell me about her? It could help you sort out how you feel.
"Since when did you become a therapist?"
"Just trying to help out my best bro."
"Well we started out as rivals but we eventually became friends. Her name was Dr. Ava Bekker, she was a South African CT surgeon. And she came here as a second year fellow. Actually I think I have a picture of her on my phone."

Connor pulls out a photo of Ava from his phone and shows it to Bryan.

"Wow, she's beautiful."
"Yeah I know."

Connor tells him about Ava. The surgeries that they did together, but he didn't tell him about his little extremely short lived relationship with Ava.

"And you just left her?"
"Well I had no reason to stay and she said that she would've taken the job too."
"Well she was obviously bluffing. She was probably just as jumbled as you were and passed it off as just being friends."
"Seriously though, when did get get so good at interpreting feelings and emotions?"
"I don't know. I guess it's just something that I'm naturally good at."
"What should I do now?"
"Call her."
"I already did right before you came in."
"And she said that she was really tired and had a M&M to finish so she hung up. She also said that she day was okay with out me."
"Just call her again because you do miss her right?"
"I do but I'll call her tomorrow because Ava is a perfectionist and if she doesn't finish that report by the due date, she's gonna beat herself up about it."
"Ok then, for now wipe that frown off your face and enjoy your party."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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