x factor audition day

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september 19th 2010
i can't believe the day i've had it's absolutely mind blowing. start from my morning, i had been waiting weeks for this day. 7:30am my alarm goes off and i jump out of bed to get ready for my day, i dilly dally about until i wake up PROPERLY for half an hour so the time is 8am i have my breakfast rice crispies my favourite yum, then i go to brush my teeth. i made sure to brush my teeth for 5 minutes 3 minutes longer than i usually do just so the judges can see me amazing smile. i then get ready and drive for about 25 minutes to get to where the x factor was time was 9:30 and we were waiting in the massive line, i met a guy named zayn he was pretty cool himself. we had a long chat whilst waiting for the line to budge then we took a picture because we had a good thing going on  and wanted to remember each other, anyway my name got called: "next! harry styles you can step inside to  get ready for your audition" the butterflies in my stomach i got was unreal, but exciting. i stepped inside and got a real gush of what i was doing then i was a bit all over the place "what if they don't like me!?" "what if i fall" "what if i be sick" mum was there to help me by my side at all times so was robin. "harry your next blow the away" a staff member said. i got all ready and walked out on stage. i saw simon, nicole and louis. "wow." i thought. "i can't believe i'm doing this" they started with the usual questions "what age are you?" i'm 16 years old "where are you from" cheshire, manchester "what song are you singing" isn't she lovely. "okay whenever your ready harry" i took a big breath and began to sing, it was amazing everyone was staring at me i was a bit shy though... the music ended and the magic stopped my heart was racing waiting for
the results: nicole said i had a wonderful voice for 16 and she was glad she could hear me singing with no music. louis said i also had a wonderful voice but i had not enough experience or confidence. simon disagreed with louis and he thinks with a bit of vocal coaching i could go far! i was very pleased with those results THAT I GOT 3 YESES !!! i walked off stage trying not to burst out in tears of joy and mum and robin hugged me, we left the x factor and got home, we celebrated all night i phoned all my friends and told them they were so happy for me! me and my family celebrated with tea and cake it was a very good day even gran and grandpa came over. i was overjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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