41. Brightest Before Dark

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Su Manor, 17 Years Ago

"Madam Su, Sir Su invites you to tea this afternoon."

Su Yan'er's fingers trembled in the middle of her embroidery, causing her to prick herself. She immediately set her sewing aside and pressed on the wound, doing her best to calm her breathing.

"Is Sir Su feeling well enough to see visitors?" she asked lightly. "I thought he was seriously wounded after that fall."

The servant girl from the main house only bowed demurely. "The physician said he's much better. Sir Su feels amiss at not having fulfilled his filial duty and wishes to nurture the feelings between mother and son."

"I, I see," Su Yan'er stuttered softly. "If you could tell Miss Bai that I won't be available when she drops by, I'd be much obliged."

If possible, the servant girl bowed even lower. "Forgive me for the late notice, Madam Su, but Miss Bai told me to inform you that she will have to miss today's appointment."

Madam Su squeezed her fingers tighter. "Did she give a reason?"

"I believe she mentioned something about seeking out a wandering Daoist north of the valley. She sends her sincerest apologies."

Su Yan'er bit her lip. Although she'd only known Bai Tingyao for a couple of years, the young woman had been an invaluable source of support, working tirelessly to find a cure for Su Yan'er's sickly son. This was probably the third Daoist they'd tried between all the other priests, monks, and exorcists in Jiangnan. If all went well, the little boy would be cured with the help of his future sister-in-law one day.

But the problem was that Bai Tingyao wasn't here now, leaving her with no buffer to deal with Su Shiyu. Her stepson from her husband's first marriage was only a few years younger than herself...the reality was awkward no matter how she looked at it, even if the man treated her with all the proper courtesy and respect due a mother.

Moreover, Su Shiyu had simply stood by when the townspeople slandered her with all sorts of names after his father died. Even her old mistress Jing Xiali, the first Madam Su, had been dragged into the mess, giving Su Yan'er a terrible reputation as a homewrecker and attempted murderer. When news came that the young heir to the Su Clan had disappeared one day, she all but lost her wits sending people to find him. Yet what did he do after her retainers recovered him from the bottom of a cliff and brought him home?

Take his time getting better while saying nothing to refute the rumors that flared into wake after his survival!

Nowadays Su Yan'er didn't even dare to step out of the house. She was timid to begin with and only wanted a peaceful life. Perhaps it was this fear that drove her to do the one thing she regretted most of all, but there was no turning back now.

"I understand." Su Yan'er put on her best smile and nodded pleasantly at the servant girl. "Tell Sir Su that I am truly touched he still thinks of this mother after his illness. I shall certainly drop by this afternoon."

Step by trembling step, her only path now was forward.

Su Manor, Su Shimeng's Quarters

"Young Master Su, I can take your clothes for washing," Ting'er said sweetly as she stood waiting outside the folding screen in Su Shimeng's chambers.

"No need for that," Su Shimeng's voice carried out. "I'll just burn these."

"Hmm, burn?" Ting'er echoed. "Then should Ting'er have them taken to be cremated?"

"No, I'll do it myself," Su Shimeng frowned. Who knows how long that baby had been lying there dead? After touching her bones, it would be better to purify his garments while he disposed of them, just in case. "Get me a portable stove—no coals needed."

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