Chapter 8

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Caius' POV

Juliette and I have been waiting anxiously for the answer to explain why she is the way she is. Not that the way she is, is a bad thing. She's been acting very calm but I can almost see the gears changing in her head. I wonder what she's thinking.


Juliette's POV

Caius has been staring at me since we came back to our bedroom after seeing Carlisle. I think that maybe he thinks staring at me will get me to tell him what I'm thinking. That won't work. I stand up off of the end of the bed and walk out to the bathroom. I lock the door and sigh. Walking over to the sink, I splash my face with water. The water doesn't feel as cold as it would if I was human. I lift my head up and look in the mirror gasped. So this is what they were talking about. My eyes, my skin, my face. I was beautiful. My hair was like it was when I was human, a dark brown. My skin was pale white, as I had suspected because I have looked at my hands many times. The bone structure in my face was more defined than before and the puffy cheeks I had were gone. My lips were a rosy pink and heart shaped. My eyes, oh gosh my eyes were ethereal. Amethyst purple eyes were staring back at me when I looked into them. I was amazed. It felt like I was staring at them for hours until;

"Juliette, are you alright in there?" Caius called out, knocking on the door.

"Yes, yes I'm fine! I just got a little bit distracted is all." I called back.

"Alright, don't be too long! Carlisle wants us!" He said, I could almost see him scowling. I stared at myself for a little longer until I realised, my hair was a mess. It had tangles and needed to be brushed out. I took a hairbrush that was sitting on the counter, I assume Jane had gotten me one. I started brushing my hair out, starting from the ends to the roots. I placed the brush down and walked over to the door. I opened it only to find Caius standing on the other side of it.

"Why didn't you tell me my eyes were purple?" I whispered, looking into his crimson eyes. I looked down at me and sighed.

"I didn't want to worry you and I wanted you to find out on your own terms, that way you would be ready." He whispered back. I smiled up at him and put my arms around his neck. He took my face in his hands and asked;

"Can I kiss you?" I inhaled deeply and nodded.

"I need a verbal answer, Mio Caro Fiore." He whispered.

"Yes, please." I said quietly. He grinned at my answer and leant in, I did too. Slowly but surely, our lips collided passionately. His lips were soft and cold, as were mine. I could almost feel fireworks exploding between us. In my stomach were butterflies with their soft wings fluttering against the inside of me. He pulled back after about thirty seconds and rested his forehead against mine.

"You're wonderful." He sighed, staring into my eyes. I just smiled at him.


Once we finished our (not really) staring contest we walked to Carlisles room. He, once again, was reading a book, though this one was to do with different eye colours for vampires. I could tell he was very concentrated with what he was reading so I pulled gently on Caius' arm over to the closest sofa. He sat down and then pulled me onto his lap, even though there was plenty of space on the sofa. Caius put his head into my hair and breathed in deeply, then stopped and stayed still. I turned and looked at him. He was looking towards the door.

"Someone's here." He whispered, with angry eyes.

Love Of My Life ~ Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now