Nice Guys Always Finish Last

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He tries to do everything by himself. He is always cheerful. He is always their for every one and let people walk all over him. He is the son every mom wants their daughter to marry. But I wonder why he stays up so late on school nights texting me? Why does he never sleep? He says it's because he is not tired. I'm sure he is struggling with some thing, but was never taught that it was ok for boys to be sad and that you don't always have to put on a tuff face. He is really smart though even if he doesn't have the best mental health. His grades are almost straight A's. You know who else got perfect A's and even got into medical school? His older sister. He gets compared to her so much he has this little hate for her. He bust his ass off trying to catch up to her. He is a coward though. He says a lot of things but never completes them. He lets people take advantage of his kindness, his boys push him around, make fun of him, blaming him for THEIR problems because they know he'll just make a joke out of it and not speak up. The girls play with his feelings, lie to him, order him around, makes him feel ugly. But he is not ugly, he just doesn't want his parents to spend money on nice clothes for him, so he just wears the same 3 outfits. He agrees with everything I say, he listens to me ranting about ever things, he carries my burdens, cheers for me. But me.....I'm never there for him, I'm a selfish person who hates caring so much for others. I don't know how he does it everyday. I'm so proud of him and I hope one day he will be blessed with everything he dreamed of. All I can do is be in the background and watch him. I pray for him not to turn into a heartless person but I pray that one day he realizes that he doesn't have to let people step all over him.

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