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I woke up feeling a little sick in the stomach. It's my first day at my new internship. I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I graduated. Time flies by so fast and I'm nearly 19. Where the hell is my phone. I need to check the time. 

Oh shit, I'm late!

I can't be late on my first day. Ugh, moms going to be pissed if I can't do a good job at Bighit. Our entire income depends on my future. 

You see, we recently lost everything. Literally everything. My father was a drunk poker playing bastard who didn't care about his family. I'll explain all that later, whatever. So last summer, he went in too far and now we have nothing and he is dead. So, I have to do amazing in this internship and land a job no matter what.

I decide to wear my navy v-neck and just some high waist jeans. I'm not a makeup person so I quickly washed my face and head straight for the door. Oops, forgot my keys.

My car is an old honda fit and it makes a ton of noise but hey, it runs, so I love it. The faint cigarette smell and the dust within the car make me feel like I'm in an early 2000's summer teen movie but I'm not. This is my reality. Go to work, get paid, come home, mid-night shift, and get paid. It's a 40-minute drive but that's alright because I love listening to my favorite music in the morning. 

I put on my favorite CD, The Lumineers, and happily also crazily drive to my first day at Bighit entertainment. I'm not a KPOP fan but I love production. I love the process that goes into making music and music videos. I love seeing artists at work and how their music changes lives. The entertainment sector is where I want to be. It'll be a first with K-pop. 

I finally arrive at the enormous building. I have no idea where the front door is. I park at the farthest spot and get out the door. I clumsily drop my keys right as I'm locking my car. I bend over to pick it up but something hits me from behind and I lose my balance.

FUCK?! I say as I literally hit my head on my own car door and fall down. Before I have time to register what's happening, something covers my mouth. It's a freaking human hand. I try to speak but they just hold on tighter. At this point, I'm freaking out trying to strangle my way out of the human's grasp. 

"Will you be still?" someone says in an Australian accent. 

Umm, of course not, I think to myself as I CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE OUT OF HIS GRASP. 

"Look I'm going to let go but you need to promise me that you won't scream or stand up. There is a mob of very dangerous teenage girls after me and If I get caught this might end my career," he says putting his lips close to my left ear. 

I can't quite comprehend what he's saying but I want him to let go so I gently nod. He is behind me so I can't see his face just his arm. We're so close I can feel his breath and his chest.

What the hell? I've never let anyone come this close to me, how dare he think he can just do something like this. Now, I'm mad but I won't take it out on him just yet.

He slowly pulls his hand back from my mouth. My eyebrows are pressed together as I'm frustrated by this man's behavior. I turn around and our eyes meet. I know this might sound cliche but my heart kind of skips a beat and I'm at a loss for words. I forget what I was mad about for one millisecond. He seems dumbfounded too, maybe he taught I was someone older.

"Hello," he whispers with a slight smile before I can get a word out. 

"Don't hello me, what the hell do you think you're doing," I whisper back.

He comes a bit closer to speak and I can feel his breath on my face again but this time our lips are close to each other. He has dark brown eyes and black hair. His eyebrow is shaved in two different parts. It adds a bit of an edge to his look but his eyes are warm and I just feel like he is a trustworthy person. Of course, these are all first impressions and he might turn out to be a complete jackass but I've never been curious about anyone in my entire life. 

"I'm truly sorry for pushing you but I needed to hide on this side of your car and didn't see you," he says.

I am a bit short and was kneeling to the ground so I guess that's why he didn't see me. I have black hair up to my shoulders and brown eyes. I'm also 5.1, so I'm not that tall. People usually call me cute and I've been asked out before but I've never had the mentality or time to date or be interested in anyone. 

I have no idea why I'm thinking about my dating life while looking at him. I feel a bit embarrassed. 

"Okay, but you didn't need to cover my mouth like that. You couldve been a rapist for all I know," I said still frowning.

"So you think I'm a rapist," he says a bit offended.

"No, but you could've been is what I mean," I say. My head hurts a bit so I touch the spot that is soar. 

"Ow," I say as I feel a bump.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he moves his hand to my head. 

I push myself back at once. I'm not a touchy person so this is my first instinct. He apologizes and asks me if I'm alright again. 

"Yes, I think I'm fine. Just a little bump," I say smiling the pain off.

Oh, it hurts so much. I'm dying inside. 

He looks at me. Like really looks at me and I feel so self-conscious that I want to vomit. Wait, that might be the concussion. 

He looks behind me. "I think the coast is clear, we can get up now," he says with a slight smile again. 

I look behind me and slowly get up. 

"Do you need help?" he asks politely. He asks before touching me this time and I think about how fast he was to grasp that I do not like having anyone near me.

"No, thank you. really, I'm fine," I say again.

"I think this is yours," he says as he picks up my crushed phone from the ground to give it to me. 

Oh God, my moms going to kill me. I moan internally and feel myself panicking. I can't afford a new phone right now.

"I would be happy to buy you a new one. It is my fault that it broke so please let me do this one thing for you," he says looking straight into my eyes.

How is he so handsome is all I'm thinking about as he is talking about repairing or replacing my phone. 

I try to refuse but he insists. 

"Can I get your name?" he asks all of a sudden.

"ugh yeah, it Esme, what's yours," I ask softly. Feeling kind of shy and aw struck not gonna lie. His jawline was beyond perfect. 

"You really don't know?" he asks shocked.

"umm, no, sorry have we met," I ask.

"haha, maybe you hit your head a little too hard," he says while laughing.

I get annoyed that he is mocking me for something that I'm not even aware of. 

"If you're going to keep laughing at me go ahead. I'm late and I need to leave so goodbye," I say and just storm off to the building because what the fuck am I doing here wasting my time while I have a career to build. I'm already five minutes late. I can't make it worse by not showing up because of a small accident. I hear him call out from behind me.

"Esmeeeeee, wait," he calls out but I don't stop. I don't have time for him or anyone like him.

Hell, I don't even have time for myself.

Jake Shim ~ Once upon a summer ~ EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now