The Shim effect

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It's my first day and I'm late. Wonderful.

I step into the hall and head over to the front desk to ask which way I need to head. The person at the front desk tells me to head over to the second floor and make a left. I thank them and start running. I head up. The corridors are full of idols posters and awards. The second floor is no different just different faces. I recognize some of them from what I've seen on social media.

I find the room I'm supposed to be in and knock. Everyone is already seated. I bow in respect and apologize for being late. All the interns are huddled around a round table with notepads in front of them. They are all dressed up and look dazzling. I'm wearing an old Beatles shit with a turtle neck inside and some high-waist jeans with my white Nike sneakers. Our director, the person at the head of the table, Sara welcomes me. 

"Take a seat, Esme, I'll excuse your lateness for today because it's your first day but I won't overlook it next time," she says sternly. 

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again," I said holding up my chin and standing my ground.

I have a strong personality and I'm a respectful person, so I know the importance of taking a job seriously. I hope to impress her throughout this internship. 

I head over to the only empty seat. It's next to another intern. He is dressed in all black and looks mad fit. I don't know how people do it, honestly. I hate exercise. 

"Hey beautiful," he whispers as I take my seat.

What the hell.

"Umm, hello," I say awkwardly and take my seat. He gives me a smirk.

"My name is Heesung, I hope we can work closely together," he says.

I ignore his flirty tone and say, "I hope not."  He chuckles lightly and turns to the director. 

Sara goes over our daily tasks and how we need to be keeping track of all the needs of the artists they have. This is our first week's task, keeping track. Next week, we'll actually get to get things for producers. I am assigned to a new group called Enhypen. 

"We actually have a member of Enhypen here with us today as a representative of what the groups may need, Heesung come up here," Sara says and the guy next to me stands. 

I gasp quietly and am shocked that I'll be working for him rather than with him.

Ugh, this is going to be harder than I thought. Heesun heads to the front of the room, even his walk is cocky. He is built for sure and the way he holds himself emanates power. Our eyes meet and I shudder. I don't like his vibe at all. 

Heesung introduces himself and explains some things idols will need from us and that we should go greet the team once we are done with our meeting here. Each group will have one intern and will take care of them throughout the internship. Ofcourse, I would end up in his group. I roll my eyes as he speaks and I can swear he gave me a death glare in between his sentences. What the hell.

"You can leave with Heesung since you are assigned to Enhypen," Sara says after Heesung is done.

The meeting ends and we head out. Everyone leaves and I can see Heesung waiting for me. 

He shuts the door right when I'm about to head out. 

He literally corners me and puts his hand on the door. His stare is a bit intense.

"You are lucky to be working with Enhypen. We'll take real good care of you," he winks and lets go of the door. I just laugh and say, "Look Im a here as an intern and I will be professional about this so If you pull one more dumbass move like that, I will report you and I dont care about your reputation."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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Jake Shim ~ Once upon a summer ~ EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now