Part 11

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It was already 12:00 pm and he was still driving a car he even skipped luch, and for some reason he went to a place like no one knows

There are many trees it was like forest, but no this is like enchanted garden

It has many colorful flowers and has a beautiful birds up in the tree, this place was he's favorite, when he was a kid her mother always bring him and that's why this place was special

He park his car beside the small house, this house was build by his father so that when they come to this place there have place to stay

He was walking closer to the door but then he got confuse "Why is the door open ofc i never lock this but i close it"
He said while he was coming inside

There was a bed and it was like someone was sleeping well yibo notice it because a blanket covering a body and he notice that it was a boy but he didn't notice the face because it was covering by the blanket...

He went closer to the boy and leaned downbut as soon he tried to pull the blanket the boy suddenly got up with a naked body and was still rubbing his eyes

Yibo was shock and trying to hold his tears "Zhan!" the boy suddenly flinch because of the shout "Yi-- yibo..." then yibo hugged zhan tightly while zhan is now tearing up

Yibo didn't wait anymore he kissed zhan gently "Everyone was so worried you know" then he wiped zhan tears "Well I'm so lucky i was still alive but my legs are hurting because of my fall, i run away and i saw this small house then i rest here" yibo chuckles and tells about this house

Zhan was smiling brightly while yibo was looking at zhan's body he was not completely naked he still wear his briefs, "Oh yibo how is yu--" zhan's word stope when yibo kissed him roughly zhan didn't even notice that yibo already pinned him in the bed "Yi-- yibo!" yibo just smirk and went down he suck, lick and bite zhan's neck leaving a two dark hickey

And all the thing that can be heard in the small house was zhan's beautiful moaned


They arive in xuan's house "Oh yibo i thought your going to be late?" said xuan "Oh btw yuan was sleeping" said jiyang

"Oh ok then" and the two was curious because yibo was smiling brightly "Btw who is the boy behind you?" ask xuan then yibo smirk, zhan finally showed up and made jiyang cry and hug him tightly

"Zhan your finally here! I'm so happy your ok" said jiyang while still hugging zhan

" did you find him?" ask xuan then yibo tells what happen "Oh zhan you are so lucky" said xuan

"Umm guys do you have good I'm kinda hungry" said zhan then jiyang nodded and bring him in the dinning room

While yibo was having a conversation with xuan, yuan did not notice yibo because he went quickly to the dinning room to ask jiyang for food "Mom!" yuan shout and run towards to zhan "Yuan I've missed you so much" then he leaned down causing his neck showed up

"Cared to explained those hickey?" ask jiyang with a teasing tone that made zhan blush "Well cared to explained your hickey in your neck and living with xuan"
Said zhan while laughing and got a hit on the head "Shut up" then jiyang rolls his eyes

Yibo and xuan was beside in the nightstand staring at their two beautiful girlfriend while yuan hugging zhan and fall asleeps peacefully
To be continued

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