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"You know it's rude to stare to people." Sakusa heard a voice coming from his right. He really never cared what people says but due to his curiosity, his eyes automatically moved. His face remains facing his front but he looked using his peripherals. Based on what he sees, Shimizu Kaori is the only person left in the room with him. And the girl is talking to no one, which only means that she is referring to him.

Shimizu rolled her eyes as she faced Sakusa. Her arms are crossed same to goes to her legs. She looked scary but to Sakusa, he only finds her as a spoiled brat who lacks of love and care from the parents. Her attitude won't send Sakusa any thrills but only irritations.

He hates interactions but he knew he needs to face his consequences. He knew that she was right for him being a rude but his reasons are purely clean. (as what he thought.)

As said, he hates human interactions, that's why he started to walk away from the girl, planning to escape from the possible drama. He knew girls are full of dramas that's why instead of cleaning the dirt of his name on the girl's view, he walked away instead.

Nevertheless, this won't stop Shimizu from having an answer from the rude guy. She hates it when they leave her in a dead air and leaving her with so many questions. The action only made Shimizu's tongue to click, indicating that her patience is getting thinner than before.

"You see, the way you looked at me during class, you may looked like you have a crush on me, Mr. Colon guy" she started. Being sarcastic is not on her game today but that is what Sakusa felt.

The nickname made Sakusa's face to crumble but this also made Sakusa to stop. Based on what he heard from the girl, it made him nervous in a way that he swallowed his own saliva. He never knew that a girl like her could make him this way. She wasn't wrong but she was also wasn't right.

Again, He never knew the answer.

He wanted to escape from her badly so that he could breath some fresh air from the school garden where he usually eats his lunch with his cousin, Komori. But that is not the only reason, he was beyond embarrassed to himself. He never knew this would happen, especially to a girl. A girl named Shimizu Kaori.

And with that he answered. "Yes, it is. But the definition of crush may have been different on your perspective."

His answer made Shimizu shocked. She never expect this side on Sakusa but she actually did heard him saying the impossible on his dictionary.

"...HUH???!!!" her groans echoed on the empty room as she started to walk near Sakusa, leaving them for only two or half of a feet away from each others. The action only made Sakusa more intense. Afraid to catch her germs. "Say again mister colon guy aka mister clean freak!!"

Her words made Sakusa grew angry as he knit his eyebrows together. Behind his mask, his jaw is gritting from the feeling.

And this is where he knew the war has been started.

COLON GUY | SAKUSA KIYOOMI ✔Where stories live. Discover now