Chapter 6

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Just as they were about to exit the house, the cat rubbed up against Thorne’s legs, its green eyes pleading. He nudged his leg, trying to dislodge the damn thing, but it kept rubbing up against him, purring. What the hell? Animals never liked him.

Benny scratched the top of his head. “Ah, gods. We gotta take the cat.”

“What? Why the hell would we take the cat?” Thorne asked, looking at Benny like he’d lost his ever-loving mind. 

“Look at it. We can’t leave her in here by herself. You don’t want to know what cats do to dead bodies.”

“No, I don’t, and I don’t care. I’m not taking the cat.”

“I’m telling you, it’s bad juju if we leave it.” 

Thorne rolled his eyes. Benny held on to some strange superstitions from their old life. “Well then, you take the cat home. I don’t want anything to do with an animal. They stink, leave hair all around the place, and then they die. Can’t we just leave it outside? I’m sure someone will take it in.” 

“Yeah, I guess we can do that.” Benny reached down to pick up the cat and started walking toward the door. Unfortunately, it hissed and squirmed out of his hands, returning to Thorne. 

“He’s obviously picked his owner.” 

Son of a bitch! As if he didn’t already have enough on his plate. The last thing he needed was a scruffy fur ball. When Thorne reached down and picked up the animal, it immediately rubbed its face against his chin. He scratched the cat behind the ears. “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you realize I just blew your owner’s brains out?”

The cat crawled up a little bit more and laid its head on Thorne’s shoulder. Maybe the cat hadn’t liked the man either. 

“I’m not keeping it,” Thorne said, glaring at Benny. 

As soon as they walked out of the door and down the steps, Thorne dropped the cat. It meowed, and then ran to catch up with them. 

“Maybe it’s your familiar,” Benny said with a laugh. 

“Shut the fuck up,” Thorne snapped, annoyed. Once they reached the car, he glared down at the cat. “Sorry, buddy. I’m not taking you home. I can’t even keep a plant alive, let alone an animal. Trust me, this is in your best interest.”

The cat howled as if it had understood and Thorne’s words had wounded it. He opened the car door and slammed it shut, but the cat just jumped on the roof, causing Benny to laugh. 

“Drive. It will jump off,” Thorne said between gritted teeth. In all of his time on Earth, he’d never allowed himself the luxury of having a pet. It would just be another loss he would have to face. 

Benny started the electric car, which made no noise to alert the cat, and he slowly backed out of the parking spot. The cat placed its paws on the windshield as if it was begging for Thorne to help it. 

“Fuck it!” 

Grinning, Benny hit the brakes. Thorne slung his long legs out the door. Before he was able to stand up, the cat had leapt from the top of the car and was sitting on his lap. He closed the door and stared down at the feline. “I’m not keeping you. This is just temporary until we find you another home.”

The cat settled into his lap and fell asleep. 

Absently, Thorne found himself running his hand down its soft fur. Still not keeping it. 

Hired Gun Part 1by A.J. Bennett & Julia CraneWhere stories live. Discover now