Thinking of You

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Izuku POV

I know I should trust him but it just I don't know, I feel like something is not right. I shake my head from the thought and continue to pack up me and my kids stuff. This is really gonna hurt Katsumi but I have to.

I was almost done packing so I called my mom. She has a baby room already set for when ever she wants to watch Itsuki. "Hello Izuku?" "Hi and the kids are gonna stay with you for a while" "Thats alright but what happened?" she says with concern. I sighed and told her everything.

"Izu i'm so sorry for you honey. But I still feel like you should hear him out, I know he has made some mistakes but your in thr wrong too for not trusting your boyfriend and hearing him out. Your gonna feel so much regret if you dont talk to him" ".........Fine i'll wait until a while until i'm ready to come around......Thanks mom" "No problem but take my words please" "I will love you" "Love you too" I hung up.

I sighed putting everything in the car driving off. It pained me to see me leave him but I just wasnt ready for it. I drove off to my moms house, I pulled in her drive way as she helped me unpack. We got finished as she closes and locks the door.

"Izu if you need anything just tell me ok?" "Alright thank you mom" I went up stairs to see our room till look the same. I smiled and went in my old room to take a quick nap before I would pick up Katsumi.

Bokugos POV

I drove to the house to see if I could catch him before he left. I pulled in and got out the car, I opened the door and ran to the rooms but they were empty....SHIT- I dont want to blame myself but I partially do.

I sat on my bed trying to think how exactly did I get THAT drunk last night. I only had one drink with Kirishima.......

Flash Back

I walked out to get some fresh air when Kirishima called me "What do you want Shitty hair" "My bro brain is telling me your stressed come out and drink with me. And no you dont have to just come and chill bro" ".....Fine" I hung up and went inside telling Katsumi to tell his mom I'd be going out.

We arrived at the bar as it was chill not too much going on. "Hey can I get a Crown Royal please" Kiri says as the bartender gives it to him. "I'll be back bro. Call me if you need me" he says tapping the table and walking off in he crowd.

"Do you want anything young man" "I'll have whiskey" I said as he went to work. He gave it to me as I drunk it down. "Woah slow down" "Oh shut up I got it" I say.

My head started to feel dizzy as I felt hot, I then soon became drunk all from 1 fucking drink. Kirishima came back to check on me "Hey bakubro- Oh shit your drunk already?" "hic* Yea what hic* about it?!" "Geeze Midobro aint gone like this one" he says pulling me out. It felt like ive been her for an hour but I wasnt.

"Im driving this time" Shitty hair says getting in my car. We drove to my house as he pulled in parking bringing me in, "You got the rest bro. Izuku gets crazy when hes mad" I noded my head as I unlock the door walking in. Izuku started to yell at me for shit he didn't understand so I slapped him.......Then I realized what I did and tried apologizing but that aint work.

He kicked me out as I 'tched' walking to my car driving off somewhere to a motel......

Flash Back ends

"So thats what happened......that bartender drugged me...AH FUCK" I yell out. I wanted to talk to Izuku so bad and tell him but I needed tl give him space. So I did, I'll go tl him when hes ready.....

Izuku POV

I woke from my nap to see my alarm chiming signaling I had to pick up Katsumi. I put on my shoes grabbing my keys "Mom im going to pick up Katsumi" I say as she sat on the couch"Alright be safe hunny" she says as I walk out.

I drove to his school to pick him up, he was happy to see my as he climbed in the car "HI" he says shutting the door as I drove off. "Hi, how was school?" "It was fun...we learned that if you get into a fight you should hear the other person view and solve if out" he says smiling. That hit me hard as a damn rock, "Thats nice know were staying with grandma for a while ok?" "Why?" he says looking sad.

"Well me and daddy had a argument so.....we just took a break ok?" "But- im not gonna see daddy anymore?" he says "I dont know yet......" I say as he held his head down.

I looked in the mirror to see him looking sad and it broke my heart. Maybe I did need to talk to Kacchan and see his side of the story."Hey baby how about I go see daddys side of the story later. Then maybe we could work something out" His head shoots up.

"Really?" "Yes mommy will try" I say pulling up and getting out as he did the same. We walked in to see mom cooking "Hey Katsumi" "Hi grandma" he says running hugging her. I decided to call Ura and she answered "Hello?" "Hey are you ok with the baby? "Yea were okay shes such a cutie" Ura says "Yea she is thanks tho Ura" "Oh no problem" we said bye and hung up.

I look at my phone to see Kacchan hasnt contacted me.....that means he doesnt care or he's respecting me. I was hurt that we were doing so good until this happened.

"Izuku honey come eat before you do anything" She says as I walked to the table. We ate and talked for a while as my mind still roamed around thinking about Kacchan. I sighed and continue eating.

Author here and I was wondering if you guys want a side story of Izu being pregnant with Itsuki? I know I time skipped so thats why I asked.

Do let me know though. Thanks you guys💞💞.

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