Chapter 1

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"I never thought I could hate a person so much. I mean I wish she could get hit by a car, no I hit her with a car." "That's a little much don't you think?" Preston said. " Okay maybe a little much but i have to at least snap her neck." I said back. " Okay can you stop plotting my sisters death and we can actually do our homework?" asked Brody. Okay so yes i despise his sister. Ever since the day she pushed me off the garage roof. I broke both my leg and arm, and I couldn't walk for a year after that. " BRODY!!!" I heard Lydia yell, " ARE YOUR FRIENDS STAYING FOR DINNER?" Brody turned to us, " Are you guys staying?" " I guess." We all said.

Then we went downstairs to eat. For dinner we had chicken piccata pasta and perogies. It was really good. I love when Mrs. Crocker cooks dinner, but the only downside is that we have to help clean up. " Grant and Lydia please wash the dishes, Brody put the food away, and Preston sweep and wipe down the table." Mrs. Crocker said to us. Me and Lydia went into the kitchen to clean the dishes.

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