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My fingers are turning red. It's a bright, unnatural red at the tips of my injured fingers, spots of yellow and green adorning it. In simpler words, it's ugly.

Even if it's not the prettiest, at least it doesn't hurt anymore. I can hardly feel those two fingers at all. And although I'm not sure that's a positive, I don't want to let myself consider the negatives. I force myself to look away from my hand.

"How long have you two been out here together?" I overhear Javi ask, walking alongside Tyreese. Judith naps happily in Tyreese's arms.

Tyreese casts Carol a glance, "A while." He replies stiffly.

"Did you see Glenn? Or Daryl?" I pipe up, uncharacteristically desperate, but I need to know.

"No. Sorry." Tyreese shakes his head, eyes softened as he sees my face.

"Carol, did you see them?" I ask, looking to the woman leading our ragtag group.

"I didn't." She admits, slowing her steps a bit to glance back at me. She's looking at me the way our group used to look at her: with pity. "How's your hand doing?"

"Fine, for now." I sigh deeply. "But in the next few hours? Who knows."

"I can't even look at it." Ramon practically gags, a shiver running down his spine at the accidental eye contact.

"Just be lucky it's not you." I tease him, using my healthy hand to push him ahead of me.

"And how long have you three been out here? Since the prison?" Questions Tyreese, a small smile on his face from our interact.

"The day after." Answers Javi. "We mistook Frannie as one of the Governor's men, pointed a gun at her head. She threw me on my ass in seconds."

"In my defense, I thought you were his men." I say, to clear the air of any misconceptions.

"Sounds like something you would do." Jokes Carol, although there's something behind her voice. I excuse it off as exhaustion.

"Wow, okay. It's like that, then?" I snicker.

"Yep. It's like that." Nods Ramon with a smug grin.

I don't realize that Tyreese and Javi have stopped walking until I nearly go into Javi's back. I peer around them, seeing yet another sign for Terminus. They're really big on the advertising.

WHEN THEY COME, glenn rhee²Where stories live. Discover now