Part 1

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Jade was with her crew in Great Britain after another year of sailing. Jade took a deep breath in as she sighed contentedly. "Oh can you smell that?" Jade asked Daniel speaking in her fake british accent.

"Smell what?" He asked her.

"The smell of my fellow Brits!" Jade yelled.

"How long are you gonna speak in that accent for? You've been speaking in it since we could see the shore." Daniel said to her.

"I will speak in this accent for as long as you speak in your irish accent." She replied.

"But this is my normal voice. I mean, I am from Ireland." He told her.

"Well then I guess I'll be speaking like this until we leave." She said placing a kiss onto his lips. "Hey, I've got an idea. I should go up to a bunch of random strangers, use this accent, and see if I can convince them that my accent is real."

"Ok, I'd like to see that. Go up to that lady right there." Daniel told her as he pointed to a woman that was strutting down the sidewalk.

Jade flashed her husband a smile as she then approached the woman, stepping in front of her as that woman was stopped in her tracks. "Excuse me, madame. But I'm in quite of a pickle, and I was hoping you might point me in the direction of the Eiffel Tower." Jade said to the woman.

"Um, I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, you are in Great Britain, not Paris, France." The woman replied.

"Oh, sorry my mistake. You see, I'm not from around here."

"Really? Where are you from? England?"

"No! I'm from Auradon! I'm not even british, my accent is fake!" Jade said.

"Really?! How fascinating! Now I must be going."

"Alright! You have a nice day! Tootles!" Jade called as the woman then strutted off. "That was fun."

"It looked like it." Daniel said as he wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders.

"Well, if it isn't Captain Jade Sparrow." They heard a voice say from behind them.

And Jade knew that voice all too well, as she spun around to face the one and only, Jesse Jones. "Jones!"

"Sparrow!" They said to each other, as that was how they always greeted each other. "What are you doing here?"

"This is just another one of my stops on one of my voyages. What about you?"

"Same here. You know, it's been awhile since I last saw you. What has it been? 3 years?"

"Sounds about right." Jade replied. "I see you're still alive, so I take it you haven't been too well since our last encounter."

"Oh that's cute how you're trying to insult me." He said to her.

"Captain! Captain, Jesse is...right here." CJ yelled, running to Jade with the rest of the crew behind her.

"Wait, you guys saw Jesse?" Jade asked them.

"Yeah! We were coming to tell you, but apparently he beat us to ya." CJ replied.

"But then again, his crew kind of held us up." Karla also said to her captain.

Jade looked back at Jesse with a smirk on her face. "Aw, you missed me so much that you just had to come and see me?" Jade said to him in a fake sweet voice.

"Yeah right! And why are you talking in a british accent?" He asked.

"Because we're in Great Britain, I can't not speak in an accent." She told him as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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