chapter one: The alarm of the people of Charlestown

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     Five mile off the bay of Charlestown South Carolina two lone naval vessels were anchored. They were looking out for trouble. One captain said to the other "haven't seen nothing how about you?" The other replied "nope." The captain then said " something on the horizon looks like a ship heading straight towards us." The other captain the asked "is that a flag of a pirate?" The other looked and said back " I believe that is one."

     The older of the two then said its Blackbeard I don't know how but it is." As the ship began to get closer it changed course. The two captains then took a deep sigh of relief as they watched the ship sail off into the sunset.

The two captains then returned to warn the people of Charlestown that blackbeard was back and may be seeking revenge. The people then got very scared and started to panic. They were running around grabbing children and running to thier houses.

At one point there were many screams of  "Blackbeards coming." The two captains looked at each other and shook thier heads in total disbelief.

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