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April came and went and Shayne started to feel normal again. He wasn't surprised at how much closer they had become, or how nonchalant they were around eachother compared to just a month or two ago.

Damien started sneaking into his room at 5am on Saturday mornings, before Shayne would get up to leave for the gym at 6. He would get up real close to his face, maybe an inch or two away, and whisper "Good morning," just loud enough to wake him. Scared the shit out of him every time.

Until the one Saturday when Shayne hadn't slept much, and he was so fucking tired and irritated that when he felt Damien lean down close to him, he reached out and pulled him down. He had fought and laughed and tried to get away but he held him in place until he finally stopped moving.

"Good morning," Shayne mumbled, smiling.

Damien was laying on top of him and the body weight was nice. It wasn't even 30 seconds before he fell asleep again and woke up hours later, still feeling the warm weight against his chest. I guess I can go to the gym later, he thought to himself. Damien's dark hair was in his face and he was breathing deep and soft, an arm flopped over Shayne's bare stomach. He dozed off again, but when he woke up, it was gone.

When Saturday rolled around again, Shayne didn't expect him to come into the room, but at 5:00 on the dot the door creaked open and he would've been lying if he said he hadn't been awake and waiting for him. Damien didn't bother leaning in and trying to scare him, he just walked over slowly, stopping beside the bed. "Good morning."

Shayne could feel him hesitating, and the word left his mouth before he gave it permission to.


That was all Damien needed and he crawled in under the covers with his friend and didn't really know what to do from there. But all anxiety and awkwardness was washed away when Shayne found his arm and pulled him closer, his head falling on his chest and arm reaching over his torso just like the week before. It was all he needed, the warm presence of his friend to help him fall asleep, to keep his dark and twisted dreams at bay. The dreams that he would never tell Shayne about. The ones that kept him up every single night.

It was like that from then on out. Every Saturday they shared the same bed and body heat but they never talked about it - and it worked. It was the best sleep either one of them got. At times Shayne thought that maybe it was more than just attraction he felt towards him, but he never lingered on the thought too long, out of fear of where it may lead.


Another long day at work. Another day of intense amounts of sketch filming, memorizing lines, eating Garrett's gross foods for another Eat it or Yeet it episode. The drive home was quiet; the warm spring breeze whipped past the window as Damien rested his arm on the edge, letting the wind mess with his hair and pull at his skin. He looked over at Shayne and his perfect lips, perfect face, perfect everything. His fingers as they gripped the steering wheel had him biting his own tongue, those same fingers that had traced a trail down the bruise on his back, almost making him melt.

He looked away feeling sick. It was a feeling he knew all too well and he knew it was all over for tonight. It didn't matter what he did to prevent it, that stupid recurring nightmare always snuck in somehow and plagued his sleep, or lack thereof. It didn't matter that Shayne's arm was around him as they watched a movie on the couch, or that they laughed for hours playing games that night.

None of it mattered. It wasn't enough.

Shayne woke up out of the blue in the middle of the night. He had this feeling, this overwhelming feeling that something was off. It was the same feeling he had back in December that caused him to hop on a plane and now it was back, but why? Subconsciously, he guessed, Damien had been a fair bit quieter than normal, almost like he was beyond the point of tired. Was he worried for him? He didn't know.

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