Chapter One

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I smirked pushing the girl harshly, her back collided with her locker, causing a loud rumble to echo through the corridors, muffled by the sound of laughter. I liked this, I liked the power. "Tell me where it is you little bitch." I said, a mix of venom and power entwined within my words. She was trembling with fear, her hands shaking as she clumsily fumbled with her glasses. I grabbed her wrist, causing her to lurch her towards me. She landed right in-front of me. We were so close I could feel her breath on my cheek, our noses were almost touching, and I saw something in her eyes, mostly masked with fear, but it looked like awe? Admiration? Then it clicked she had a crush on me. Oh sweet Penny. She's just made herself vulnerable. I bought a hand up to her face, tracing the outline of it, starting with her jaw, lightly trailing my fingers up. I heard her breath hitch. And all of a sudden I stopped. My hand resting by her ear, a smirk returning to my face. "Whoops!" I said, swiftly snatching her glasses off her face, dropping them on the floor and hearing the satisfying crunch of the glass, as well as the chorus of laughter that followed. "Fine! Fine..." she whispered her voice broken and wavering. "It's on Thursday night, at 7:00." I studied her face, playing with the thoughts that she may be lying. I locked our eyes, and it's only when I saw the look of utter self loathing for revealing that, I knew she was telling the truth. That and the added factor that tears were threatening to fall. I dropped her wrist, pushing her back against the locker, this time stepping forward to meet her there. I brushed my lips past her cheeks and whispered in her ear, "I hope this never has to happen again." My voice was the definition of venom. With one final smirk I turned my back and left.

I sat on the bottom step of the stairs, waiting for my friend. God she was taking forever, and was no doubt she was going to scold me about my encounter with fucking Penny I had about about 15 minuets prior. She didn't get it. She's rich, she has money, therefore, she has respect. I have to work for it. And no one got anything by being nice, at least, they didn't in high school. I was broken out of my trance by a familiar head of blonde curls. I internally groaned. "Vanessa Shitface Crewly, to what do I owe the pleasure" I drawled, pleading this to be over with quick.
"I think you know what"
"Uh actually don't know what, or I wouldn't have wasted my precious breath on you" I spat back. I saw anger flash across her eyes. Perfect.
"The homework for Mathematics."
"That's due Tue- Shit! Today's Tuesday! Fuck!"
I cried out dramatically, not being able to cope with the smug look on her face. Ugh, that motherfucker. I ran my eyes down her body. Very unimpressed. For someone more plastic than flesh you think that the surgery would have helped somewhat, but clearly in her case it didn't help in the slightest bit, not one bit. 
"Well then, Morton. I'd better be off." She said with a sickening smile to match her sickening face, clothes, body. Everything about her wanted to make puke my guts out. And to think I used to be friends with her makes me die of embarrassment and shame. And the homework will have to wait. I'll spend my time adding to my list that I call:
I also have a book called
INVENTIVE WAYS TO KILL VANESSA.  CREWLY (coming out December 2023)
If this doesn't sum up how much I hate her... I have no clue what will.

Sighing in despair I massaged my temples, and I was still waiting for my fucking rich ass friend. A pair of hands covered my eyes "Guess who!" A bubbly voice said. "Holy shit! Sebastian Stan is that you!" I exclaimed in mock excitement.
"Haha very funny, we need to talk"
"Why does everyone need to talk"
"Better than abusing a girl"
"It was for valuable information"
See! I said she would include what happened. She looked at me. And I took in her appearance, her blue eyes contrasting to the mop of dyed red hair she had. The baby blue jumper and her black jeans, and we can't forget her classic maroon Doc Martins. She was a bubbly person, and a talented artist, she also has a knack for crocheting earrings. And is now a good time to mention she used to date Penny.  The consistent look of fun drained from her eyes, being replaced with a look of worry and concern, wether it was for me or Penny I do not know. "Why did you do it though Adeira?"
Her question startled me. Despite that I looked her dead in the eye. My voice clear and unwavering.
"I did what I has to do to get what I want."
My lips quirked upwards, the constant sound of mischief returned lacing my words.
"And it worked didn't it?"


Pretty short I know. But things will start getting more.... magical.... next chapter...
What do you think she wanted to find out?

- A

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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