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The next morning Jimin was up bright and early ready to get Blue back, "Okay, okay, I'm getting him baby" Yoongi said as he laughed a little at Jimins excitement.  "Here you go" Yoongi said as he handed Blue to Jimin, Jimin hugged Blue and then ran off with him into Yoongi and his shared room.

Yoongi laughed a little and went to make his morning coffee, he started thinking about him and Jimin, he then started to feel that feeling he felt when he felt like he wanted to be alone.  That feeling was the reason he could never keep a relationship.

He didn't want to break up with Jimin, he loved him deeply, but this feeling was starting to take over again, "No!  I'm not breaking up with Jimin, I love him and I'm staying with him." Yoongi said to himself.

Once his coffee was finished he got one of Jimins sippy cups and put some banana milk in it and took it with him to his and Jimins shared room.  "Hey baby, I brought you some banana milk!" Yoongi said as he smiled at Jimin, Jimin had a big smile on his face as he took the sippy cup from yoongi, "Thank you daddy!" Jimin said happily.

Yoongi smiled and sat down beside Jimin, after a few minutes of Jimin drinking his banana milk he looked at Yoongi, "Daady, can we pway?" he asked, "Of course we can baby, what do you want to play?" Yoongi replied with, "Hide and seek!" Jimin said happily, Yoongi smiled and covered his eyes, "1, 2, 3" Yoongi started saying.

Jimin giggled and ran out of the room to go and hide, Yoongi counted all the way to 30 till he called out "Ready or not, here I come!", he walked intk the living room and started searching around only to not find him, the kitchen was next, he looked under the table only to see nothing.

He moved on to the laundry room and looked in the dryer since he knows Jimin can fit in there easily, but still found nothing.

He searched all the bedrooms and by this point getting worried, "Jimin!  I'm serious come out!" Yoongi yelled through the house only to have no response, he panicked and didn't know what to do.

He ran outside and started looking around only to still not find him, Yoongi panicked and immediately grabbed out his phone to call the cops.


After the cops arrived they first asked Yoongi some questions, "How old is Jimin?", "He's 25" Yoongi replied with, "Hair color?", "Blonde" Yoongi said back, "Height?", "5'8" Yoongi replied with.

The cop nodded and stood up, he then faced his officers, "We'll search around the property first, then if we don't find him we'll move on to other places" he said as his officers nodded and ran off to search the property.

They looked around the inside of the house first, they didn't find anything, so they moved on to the front yard, still not finding anything, they moved to the back and Yoongi had lost all hope.

Just then one of the cops yelled out "I found something!", Yoongi dashed over there only to see Jimin sitting under the back porch giggling, "Jimin!" Yoongi said as he took Jimin in his arms, "You found me daddy!" Jimin said happily.

He then noticed that Yoongi was crying, "Daddy, why you crying?" Jimin asked, "It's ok Jimine, we'll talk later, ok baby?" Yoongi said back, "Okay daddy!" Jimin said happily, Yoongi just pulled Jimin back in his arms relieved to have found him.

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