Arthur and The Fox

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Arthur meets a fox in the forest, who teaches him to be in the moment with nature

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Arthur meets a fox in the forest, who teaches him to be in the moment with nature.

Arthur bertemu dengan seekor rubah di hutan, yang mana Rubah tersebut telah mengajarkan Arthur untuk menikmati momen alam Bersama.



Original story from Australia

Author: Juliette Le Baron

Illustrator: Rachele Capiluppi


Translated by: Zhafirah Rosa Kusumawardana (18020084039)


One Sunday, after lunch, Arthur was playing at home when his parents asked, "Arthur, should we take a walk?"

"Oh Yes!" Arthur answered.

Di hari Minggu, setelah makan siang, orang tua Arthur bertanya ketika Arthur sedang bermain dirumah, "Arthur, haruskan kita berjalan-jalan?"

"Oh, tentu!" Jawab Arthur.

Arthur grabbed his favorite toy, a stuffed fox, and went out with his parents

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Arthur grabbed his favorite toy, a stuffed fox, and went out with his parents. They went up the hill and followed the path leading to the forest. Arthur enjoyed taking a stroll but he stared down at his feet and often checked that his toy was all right, so he was not going very fast. 

His parents told him, "Arthur, stay close to us so you don't get lost."

Arthur mengambil mainan kesukaanya, sebuah boneka rubah, dan pergi bersama orang tuanya. Mereka pergi ke atas bukit dan mengikuti jalan setapak menuju ke hutan. Arthur senang berjalan-jalan tetapi dia menatap ke arah kakinya, dan sering kali memeriksa bahwa mainannya itu baik-baik saja, jadi dia tidak berjalan terlalu cepat. 

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