Chapter Thirty-Seven

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                        𝐿 𝐼 𝐿 𝐼 𝐴 𝑁 𝐴

     Luciano has been having meeting at weird hours in the night. I've brushed it off because if he wanted to tell me he would. Annalise has been acting weird ever since the attack at the mall, she is always making weird phone calls and she never lets me be near her when she's on her phone.

     "Liliana, can you please just drop it already? I mean good grief, I don't have to tell you who I'm talking to all the time. You are starting to get on my nerves," Anna shouted at me as she walked out of the house, slamming the front door behind her. I stared at the door in disbelief. Then I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

      "Who was that? What happened?" Salvatore asked as he looked over at me.

    "There's something going on with Annalise, she's hiding something from me and I don't like it," I said, "we never keep anything from each other,"

     "What if she's keeping something that benefits you in the end?" he suggested sitting down on the couch beside me.

     "She wouldn't act like that if it was going too," I said, "he is worrying me not going to lie,"

    "Well if it will put you at peace, I will have a guy look into her phone," he said sighing. I looked over at him and thought for a minute.

    "How fast can he do whatever he needs to do?" I asked.

    "Pretty fast," he said, I nodded causing him to walk away to a different room and came back with another man. They sat on the couch across from the one I was sitting on. I watched as he typed away on his computer and Salvatore watched from behind him.

     "She's been in contacted with someone in New Mexico," the man said as he continued to type, "and that someone is from the Costello family"

     "Are you sure it's the Costello's? I mean you all killed them all, right," I said looking over at them with frantic eyes. 

    "It's a possibility that Michael and Jacques figured that they would die and that we would kill everyone in the warehouse. So they could have sent groups to a different base of theirs," Salvatore explained, signing at the end.

    "So you're saying that there is a possibility that there are more Costello's out and about?" I asked raising my voice.

      "Basically," the guy said, looking up. I sighed and shook my head. Why would Annalise be contacting someone in the Costello family? I mean what business would...

     "Oh no," I whispered furrowing my eyebrows, "this is bad,"

      "What's bad?" Sal asked looking up from the guy's computer.

    "Salvatore think about it, the only possible reason that Anna would be talking to a Costello is if she was working for them," I said looking up at him. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

     "I think we need to bring this up with Luciano and Enzo," he said, nodding and walking off in a random direction. I jumped up and chased after him.

     "Wait up," I said as I ran after him. But it's as if he couldn't hear me because he continued to speed away. Finally he slowed down and busted into Luciano's office. Luciano and Enzo looked up from their paperwork and stared at us in confusion.

     "Your girlfriend is a complete genius, she just figured out something very important," Salvatore said as we walked into the room.

    "Uh ok, what is this important thing?" Luciano asked still confused.

     "You know how since Anna got here that she has been on her phone making calls all the time," I said waiting for them to nod, "well a couple of minutes ago I asked her what she was doing, which caused her to shout and slam the door,"

    "So that's who that was," Enzo mumbled.

     "Salvatore came down and asked what happened to which I explained to him. So he suggested that we track her phone and her calls," I said, "we did and we found out that she has been in contact with someone in New Mexico,"

    "Who would she be talking to in New Mexico?" Luciano asked.

     "I'm getting to that," I said, "that someone is apart of the Costello's," both men tensed up at the sound of that name.

    "Are you positive that she's in contact with a Costello?" Enzo asked looking between the both of us, to which we both nodded to.

    "What about Evan? Has he been doing odd things too, or is he just himself?" Enzo asked with wide eyes.

    "Oh Evan, he's always like this. But he also has a crush on you so," I said answering Enzo, his cheeks turned red and you could see a little smile on his face.

    "But are you sure that he isn't apart of this?" Luca asked moving over to me.

    "I'm positive," I said looking at him. He nodded and looked over at Enzo and Sal.

     "Alright we need someone on camera's to watch for Annalise for when she comes backs and we need to be ready for if she tries anything," Luca said earning nods from everyone. He held his hand out for me, I held onto it as I got up from the chair.

    Luca led us downstairs to where we sat in the living room. Salvatore and Enzo sat on the love seat that was beside the fire place. Luciano, Domenico, and I sat on the couch. Alex stood in the corner with his arms cross, and Leon and Ricco sat in the chairs man-spreading with their elbows with on their knees. Evan came in about ten minutes later making us explain to him, he wasn't too happy about his sister.

     We all looked up as we heard the door opening. Luciano and I stood up and walked over to the front door where Annalise stood talking on the phone. She quickly hung up and looked over at us.

     "Hey guys," she said, the rest of the gang and Evan came out with their arms crossed.

     "What's going on with you guys?" she asked backing away slowly only to bump into Franco and another one of Luca's guards, Gavin.

     "Why?" I asked, finally looking into her eyes, "why would you betray me? Us, like that?"

     "You think that I would actually be friends with you?" she said as if it was funny, "my family was sent down here to befriend yours, from the beginning I was never your friend,"

    "Jacques was paying my family millions to screw over your family," she said laughing, "now of course Evan never understood what we were doing and we never felt the need to tell him so he might be your actual friend,"

    "So all the things we did together, it was all fake?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes.

    "Of course it was fake, I don't like you. I've never liked you and honestly I think you're a horrible person who is stuck up and snobby," she said raising her voice as she stepped closer causing Franco and Gavin to grab her by her shoulders.

   "You don't deserve happiness, in fact I can't wait for the Costello's to put a bullet in between your eyes," she shouted.

    "Alright that's enough! Take her to one of the cells!" Luciano shouted, Franco and Gavin nodded and dragged her downstairs. I didn't move knowing I would most likely fall over, I could feel the tears rolling down my face. I flinched a little as I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. They pulled me into a bone crushing hug and held me. I soon realized it was Luciano, which caused me to break down.

     I sobbed and sobbed to no end, it felt like hours. But Luciano held me and let me cry. He sent Enzo, Alex, Dom, and Sal to go question Annalise. How could she say all of those hateful things?

    "Come on, let's go to bed," Luciano said, picking me up. I nodded and buried my head into his chest.

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