the reflection

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I am just saying this is all based on things that have happrend,to me or others !

Walking to scool on a drizzely monday morning on the most crappy street ever is usuall imensly agrovating but it was strange today felt a little eary almost as if i was about to be murderd but i ignored it and just told myself i was being silly.So i went on the rest of the day just as normal apart from one thing none of my freinds would go near me and i got wierd looks and people were backing away i just thouht it was some sick joke .I went on all morning until a teacher asked me to take it off i just got really confused and said "what?" . "your mask!" she said .i kept asking what she ment until i got sent out , i just went to the office and the secratary was on the phone talking to a man with a very sinister voice but thats when i saw my reflection ... i rubbed my eyes blinking rapidly . i herd the secretary say "shes becoming her fathers daughter its been worse every day she needs to move schools im very sorry ..." she moved away from the phone and told me to sit."no, i will not sit down tilll you tell me who you were talking about" i screamed

"Please miss i cant tell you anything other than your mothers coming to pickk you up,now please sit miss or ill call 666"...

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