the menu

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This is not a story.

It is a compilation of unspoken thoughts and undeclared feelings. Not all of the book's contents are based from personal experience, some pieces are just a product of the writer's imagination.

Here is the menu, the number one product is... of course COFFEE.

The coffee's flavor is undetermined. Sometimes it's bitter, sometimes it's sweet, and sometimes it's in between. The ingredients are: thoughts, emotions, feelings, heartbreaks, and some little bit spice.

For the second product, the shop offers you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Sorry, but the only product this shop has is a surprise flavor coffee. Who knows, maybe someday, other products can be added? So... keep updated!

Take a sit and relax!

May you enjoy your stay. Here's your order of coffee, thoughts and feelings.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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