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[August 31, 2017. 1:05 pm]
[Hotel Aidoneus]
[Entrance gate]

"Whaaa it looks like a castle from here!" Taehyung said all giddy and excited. The trio making their entrance at the Aidoneus hotel.

"Yeah it's all grand alright but there's just one thing that bugs me" Namjoon said making them all stop in their tracks outside the gates.

"What?" Hoseok asked confused. Taehyung looking at him curiously. "Out of all the names why did they choose to name the hotel "Aidoneus"?" The lavender-head asked.

The other two staring at him blankly not understanding what he was trying to imply. "Why is the name a problem?" Hoseok asked blankly. "It's just the meaning of the word bugs me, nothing serious" Namjoon shrugged. The male had a nasty habit of beating around the bush.

Taehyung however, was an inpatient person.

"Oh just say it already! What does it mean?!" The blond asked annoyed. Namjoon raise his hands up in mock surrender. "Aidoneus is another name of Hades. In other words, Aidoneus represents the god of death in greek mythology" the lavender-head explained.

Both Taehyung and Hoseok froze for a second. But both gave very different reactions to the news. Taehyung started laughing whilst Hoseok shivered.

"That's so cool!" The blond chuckled. Hoseok looking at him horrified. "Cool? Cool?! We are walking into death's den and you think that's cool?!" The brunette screeched.

Namjoon and Taehyung rolled their eyes at him. "now you're just overeacting. We're here for vacation! We'll barely be staying inside!" Taehyung reasoned. "He's right. Now let's go in. The luggage is becoming heavy" Namjoon added and the two dragged Hoseok inside.

"Welcome to hotel Aidoneus. How may I help you?" A chirpy voice asked as soon as they stepped foot into the place.

Their eyes met the receptionist boy. "Hello, we booked three rooms under the name Kim Namjoon?" Namjoon asked the smaller male politely.

"Ah! Yes! Here are your room keys. I'll have the bellboy take your belongings to your room" the boy smiled and said.

"Thank you..." Namjoon looked at his tag then continued "Mr. Park Jimin". Jimin smiled at them and bowed slightly. "Enjoy your stay"

The three then turned to look for their rooms after leaving their luggage at a cart near the receptionist desk.

But they felt a bit uncomfortable. The hotel was huge and the lobby could be described as a ballroom. But it felt so eery to stand there.

Especially when they were the only people around.


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