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Author's Pov

"I told you Heaven, there's no escape for you from me my Little Vixen.. "

Heaven didn't utter a single word but just stared at the ground still hanging her head low where as tears continued to shed from her eyes until she felt his lips to almost touched her ear.

"Even your death wouldn't be able to help you escaping from V.. "

Heaven's entire existence froze hearing that word again but this time from his mouth. She slowly took her head upward and slightly tilted it towards him and her heart beat halted when her glossy gaze fell on his now completely darken orbs which were showing nothing , totally blank like a nonhuman with no emotions and feelings in them.

She stared straight at his eyes and the only question escaped from her mouth was.

"Who are you..? "

A question which she never asked him not anyone from the second she came in his hell. But now she wanted to know it at any cost.

"Who are you...? " She again repeated still falling her tears , looking deep into his eyes because now it was hurting her in the most painful way because somehow she knew the answer already but was not ready to accept it.

"Who are you..? " She yelled this time fisting her palms and glaring at him and her body fumed up when she watched the corner of his lips to tugged upward forming a cruel and evil smirk on his face.

He slowly leaned nearer to her face almost touching their lips without blinking for a second from her teary orbs.


Heaven felt like her soul being ripped apart from her body after hearing those words. Her body totally turned numb , she stared at his eyes froze where as more tears fell from her eyes when her mind recalled those words of her past. .

"What does V means...? "


She gazed deep into his eyes where as she could feel that every single thing around her was hurting her in the most cruel and painful way. Because her heart was telling her already who he was but she still didn't want to believe it. She wouldn't want to believe that he was her most beautiful past and she forever desired him to be her present and future...

She looked into his eyes without being able to process anything thinking how could he be him..

"Why did you take me here...? " She again asked that with a hope he would answer her this time.

REDEEMING VENGEANCE (Kth🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now