𝟏𝟒 | two to tango

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"Hurry the fuck up Y/N

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"Hurry the fuck up Y/N. You have to get to the dormitory house early to fix your dorm room before classes start, remember?"

Scaramouche scolded me since I was eating slowly.

"Chill, boy scout midget. I don't plan on choking on my food."

"Since you mentioned it, I do hope that you actually choke on your food. Also, stop calling me a boy scout midget, you bitch."

"You really shouldn't curse whole we're eating. But anyways, I'm only speaking facts though. Your short height reminds me of those cute little boy scouts that I would see from time to time."

Scaramouche yelled something and Kaeya laughed softly but everything was incoherent because I was thinking of something else.

I had a dream, but I can't remember what it's about at all. I feel like something special happened though...

"Are you even listening?! I'm gonna shove your food down your throat if you don't hurry up!" My brother's words were finally starting to be clear.

"Ooh, kinky." Kaeya commented.

The both of us stared at him in disbelief.

"What the hell is kinky about shoving food down someone's throat, you lunatic?"

"Would you like to test out why it's kinky with me? I'd be alright with skipping a few hours of classes anyways."

Scaramouche glared at him in disgust and visibly shuddered at what Kaeya said.

"Get. The fuck. Away. From me."

Kaeya simply laughed at Scaramouche's reaction and since I didn't want to see whether he would actually shove food down my throat or not, I pushed my thoughts away and ate a bit faster.

Never push Scaramouche and always know your boundaries when it comes to him.

Once I finished, I put my plate in the sink and went back to my room to get my stuff.

"Hey, you didn't wash your dirty plate! Clean up after yourself!"

Ignoring him, I gathered all my luggage and carried as much as I could into the trunk of Scaramouche's car until I was finally able to put all of my belongings in it.

Thank the heavens that his car's trunk has a lot of space.

"You took your sweet ass time. You really need to exercise, you move like a fucking snail." Scaramouche insulted me from out of the blue.

"You really need to get taller, you look like a fucking smurf." I retorted back at him while trying to mimic his voice and went in the car before he could pull me by my hair.

Once I sat down, I jumped in my seat a bit when I noticed that Kaeya was already beside me.

"Holy shit, since when were you here?"

"I was already in the car while you were loading your belongings in the trunk."

"I didn't see all of your stuff loaded behind, are you sure you don't want to bring all your luggage?"

"I brought more stuff than you so if I did bring everything, it most certainly wouldn't fit. I can just come back here for my remaining possessions when needed."

I laughed a bit through my nose as I crossed my arms together and leaned on the door, "That's assuming your stuff will still even be here. Scaramouche has a knack for throwing away things that aren't his."

I looked at him through my peripheral point of view and I saw his eyes widen a little bit.

Before Kaeya could get out of the car in order to grab whatever he left, Scaramouche opened the door and sat on the driver's seat.

"Uh, Scaramouche, do you mind if I go back so that I can get the stuff that I left?"

"Actually, I do mind. Stay still."

"Or else what?"

"Or else you'll be walking alone to school while carrying all of your belongings without any assistance."

"Haha... you wouldn't actually do that... right?"

"Wanna try me? Get out of the car right now then."

"Can you both shut the fuck up and just drive? I still have to unpack my shit in my dorm room once we get there, you know." I said, starting to get annoyed at the both of them because they were fighting like two idiotic high schoolers.

Oh wait, they actually are two idiotic high schoolers. I guess it takes two to tango.

"Don't tell me what to do. You should be grateful that I'm driving both of your dumb asses to school this early." Scaramouche declared as he put the key in the ignition, put both of his hands on the driving wheel and started driving.

"He's literally doing what Y/N told him to do as of this moment..." Kaeya mumbled to himself as he made himself comfortable.

"Would you like to say something to my face directly?"

"I was just speaking to myself so it's nothing you should concern yourself about." He replied to Scaramouche and silence finally filled the air.

Since a moment of silence was pretty rare if you're with both Kaeya and Scaramouche in one place, I brought out my earphones so that I could listen to some music in peace.



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lol i haven't updated this book for quite a while so sorry about that 😅 two reasons is bc i've just been lazy tbh and the other is bc writer's block

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lol i haven't updated this book for quite a while so sorry about that 😅 two reasons is bc i've just been lazy tbh and the other is bc writer's block. i only planned some parts of what'll happen in the story in the future but i didn't exactly plan it thoroughly. meaning, i only come up with the continuation of the story while writing it. anyways, this fanfic actually gained some recognition while i was gone 😟 tysm for the support and i hope you continue to do so by voting/liking this chapter and the next chapters to come!

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 | Childe x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now