New neighbors

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Hey my name is lyric and I'm 14 years old there's not a lot to know about me. I mean I'm nice and smart but I'm also shy and quite. My background story is pretty simple, I grew up with two brothers Colten and Tyler that annoyed me so most the time I would listen to music and ignore my parents because they never even paid any attention to me they were always busy with the boys buying them things. The only way that they see me is if I'm doing something they don't like or my grades are bad which they never are. I only have three friends at school and we are the outcasts that no one likes. Jen is my best friend we have been friends before diapers. Brent he's also one of my best friends my two younger brothers have a crush on Lucy Brent's little sister she's the same age as Colten and Tyler. And my other friend Mike he's never talked to any on in his whole life to any one I don't know how he does it. But that's all I have to look forward to when I get to school besides my favorite teacher Mr.Grace he's my English teacher we have a lot of fun together at school in class and at lunch in his room with my friends.

After school I walk home it only five blocks but it gets worse trust me I have to home with a bully behind me, he hasn't talked to me yet so I'm thankful for that. When I get home Colten and Tyler are arguing over some dumb toy. As I start to walk to room my dad stops me.
"Hey lyric come in the kitchen please."
I walk in to the kitchen to see what they actually want to talk to me about.
"Yeah dad"
"We,your mom and I, have to tell you something that we though you might want to know."
"K what is it"
"Hey you will use full words when you speak to us."
I think I forgot to mention that my parents are very strict when it comes to me but the boys get away with everything.
"Yes dad, what would you like to tell me."
"Better, there is someone new moving in across the street."
"And you told me this because..."
"We though you might want to know." I say
"Well I don't care but thanks any way." I started walking away my dad yelled at me
"YOU WILL NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME LIKE THAT!" My heart started pounding and I walked back in to the kitchen and I saw my dad. He was standing up straight his shoulders high and he was breathing heavily.
"Dad may I please leave the room so I may do my homework."
"Yes you may, but next time you ask to be excused!" I could tell that he was still angry but I walked away.
So I went in to my room and shoved my earbuds in my ears and listened to Ellie Goulding. I finished my homework and face timed Jen and we talked about the person moving in next door I actually did care only because that's where my best friend used to live, but she died two years. Her and her parents died in a car accident, a drunk driver hit them in front of are house.
"Yeah but I think you should make friends with them,who knows they could be really nice." Jen told me
"I know but they could also be a stalker or a murderer and I go over and they kill me."
" Oh stop being so dramatic because they could become a good friend." Jen said
" Ok ok I'll go over tomorrow and talk to them, but will see." I say
"K talk to later bye." I shut the computer screen and look out my window across the street. I could see something in the window it looked like a man and a little girl, maybe after all this could be a good time to meet someone new and who knows they could be my friend maybe.

The next morning was fine got up got ready and and walked to school. when I went outside I saw my new neighbors,and I was right there was a little girl in the front yard. I though I should introduce my self but then I knew I would be late for school and I can't be late. When I started walking she stopped me and asked if I could play.
"I'm sorry and can't now I'll be late for school." I said in my sweetest voice. I could tell she was sad I mean she just moved here and she doesn't have any one to play with.
"Hey how about I play with you after I get back from school." I say
"How long will you be gone?" The girl said
" About 6 hours."
"OK I'll wait."
Before I got the chance to slip away she asked me what my name was.
"My name is lyric, what's your name?" I asked
"My names Tara."
"All right I'll see you in 6 hours Tara." I say
"Bye lyric." Said Tara
I waved good bey and I was off to school, I had to run to make it on time. Mr.grace saw me in the hall way and said hi.
"Hey you can't come to my room for lunch today I'm meeting with a new teacher." Mr.Grace said
"Oh who is he?"
"His name is Mr.Hines, he's new to the city."
"Oh ok I'll tell Jen and Brent."
"Great thank you but I'll see you tomorrow ok."
"K" oh no we have to eat in the lunch room that's worst then getting yelled at. We have no where it sit and we all ways have to sit in the hall but then people don't see us then they trip over us and we get in to arguing about it. That's why we always eat with Mr.Grace.


Throughout the whole day I was wondering who the new teacher was and what class was he going to teach. On my way home I saw Tara and she was excited.
"Let me put my backpack inside I'll be out in a second." I say as I walk into my house. I ran in the house throw my backpack in my room and grabbed a few Oreos and ran out the door.
"Hey so what do you want to play?"
"I don't know what do you want to play?"
Oh no not one of these kids that can't ever make up their mind and always have food on their face.
"Well we could play hide-and-seek or tag." I suggest
"Let's play hide-and-seek!" She yells
Just before we were going to start to play her dad came out. He was at least I'm his 50s he has salt and pepper hair and I have to say his facial hair was amazing if Brent looked like that I would make out with him,every day, I know that's weird and I'm not going to make out with her dad but hey he's cute.
"Hey Tara who's your friend here." He has a sweet voice
"This is lyric, Charles." wait Charles why doesn't she call him dad of father?
"Nice to meet you lyric, where do you live?" He asks
"I live right across the street from you." I tell him. He seems like a nice guy. He offers for me to come over anytime or come in anytime. I though to myself this guy must be very trustworthy but he was nice.
"Well you know where to find us, hey Tara it's time to come inside and eat your snack." He says to Tara
"But Charles we were just going to start a game of hide-and-seek,can she come in and wait for me? She asks
"Oh no I don't want to intrude or anything." I say
"Oh no it's fine come on in you'll give me a chance to see what color you like the best." he says and smiles
"k" I say. we walk in and i see what he's talking about, he's painting a room to the right as you walk in. He has every thing laid out but there is not paint samples on the wall.
"where are the samples?" I ask. He looks at me with a weird look in his eyes like he's checking me out, which I think is gross. I mean I like how he thinks of me as beautiful but I don't really like an older man hitting on me.
"which color do you think I should use,whats your favorite color?" he asks me
"my favorite color is a light green, and the lighting in this room will be great!" he smiles and thanks me for my suggestion, I tell him that he has a great house and he thanks me. Now I can tell that he's a nice man and i feel good that these neighbors are good and that I might have fun with them. I turn around to go and eat with Tara but he stops me and says....
"hey this might sound weird but you can come to me for any thing,if you want you don't have to."
"Ok thanks I'll keep you in mind if I need to talk." I walk back to the kitchen and when I come in it reminded me of the time I was in this room of my that used to live there her name was Ella and we were in her doing a project about making are own building for math. We had the worst math teacher he would just talk about his kids. I had a lot of fun with Ella we were basically sisters.
" What do you want to eat?" She asks me
"Ok" I was still wondering why she called Charles but I didn't ask because he was close to us. We ate apples and then played hide-and-seek then I got the opportunity to ask her about Charles.
"So why do you call your dad Charles?" She looked at me strangely and started laughing so hard that she stared crying
"What's so funny?" I ask
"He's not my dad silly, he watches me, he told me that my parents sent me to him so he could watch me."
"Oh I'm sorry, ..... Do you know who your parents are?"
"No but I don't want to know because they didn't want me so why would I want to know them."
"You have very good reasoning."
"Thanks Charles teaches me he says that I can't go to school because people will want to hurt me because I'm not pretty." She looks at the ground.
"Hey you are pretty but I think you would stand out because you are so smart." She smiles at me and thanks me.
We play for two hours until I tell her I have homework to do. This can't be real I think to my self. The whole time I was with her she told me that Charles just watched her and I can't help but think that he took her and she was in trouble.

Hey I'm sorry if the book sucks so far this is my first book and I'm not sure if it's any good. But if you could comment and tell me what you think of the book and add suggestions for the next chapter:)
And I know that some people like having images to look up of people in the story so here are the people I chose to play people
Lyric: Annasophia Robb
Brent: Austin Butler
Jen: Maia Mitchell
Mike: Drew Roy
Tara: Emma Engle
Charles: Kerr Smith
Tyler and Colten: Jared Gilmore and Owen best

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