Charles is in my house?

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I was crazy to even think this but I had to tell my parents and I know that they won't believe me but maybe because they know that I won't joke about this kind of stuff. Or will they. I walk in to the living room,I see Tyler and Colten wrestling on the ground and my parents are sitting on the couch watching T.V. Some show I don't know. I take a deep breath. Let it out. It might not seem like a big deal but this is huge for me I don't like talking to my mom or dad unless they start the conversation.
"Mom,dad can I talk with you both in the kitchen... Please." They both got up and I was confused I though they would ask me a lot of questions until they were convinced, but they got up and I was happy for that.
"I knew this was coming." My mom says with tears in her eyes. I'm confused what she's talking about.
"Mom what are you talking about?" I ask. Then my dad starts to pace back and fourth in the kitchen. Now I'm very confused.
"Honey why,why did you do this at such a young age?" Now she's sobbing. But I know why now.
"Mom I'm not pregnant,a drug user or a alcoholic." She just stared and me.
"I'm not asking for money either" I think for a second "I don't gamble either." I say. Then she started running towards me. And she gave me a hug. WOW but I think that that hug was a little to late for me about five years late.
"So what do you have to tell us sweetie?" She called me sweetie
"Well this might sound crazy but I think are new nieghbors (Charles and Tara) I think that Charles kidnapped tara when she was young." Their faces were blank with no emotion but then my dad burst out laughing. I know this was going to happen. But then all of a sudden my mom lightly punches dad and he stares at her like she's crazy.
"Honey how do you know for sure?" She asks
"Well I'm not sure but I have a good feeling about this."
"You can't make something up this big." There my real mom.
"I'm not making this up I think we need to help Tara some how."
"Im mot helping anyone with anything until you have hard evidence on this Charles guy."
"Wow I though you guys would have at least hear me out."
"We are hearing you we just don't believe you." There it is. I walk away.
"Hey come back here!" She yells
"No I wouldn't you don't care about what I say so why should I listen to you." I yell and run to my run and turn the lock on my door and slip out my window. I remembered what Charles told me I could go to him I just hope it's not to late.
He opens the door and sees my and looks at me strange. At this point I'm crying I'm actually sobbing I've never had a fight with my parents like that.
"Lyric hey are you ok,come on in." He look worried I tell him I'm fine.
"Did you have a fight with your parents?" He asks. I just realized that I'm at his house he's going to kill me but I try to act as casual as I could.
"Yeah how did you know?" I say trying to steady my breath.
"Because I've don't what you are doing now running away from your house so you can cry on some one." He gives me a reassuring smile. I smile at him and I feel good around him he makes me feel different for some reason.
"So what happened?" He pours me a cup of coffee and I thank him and explained everything but I left everything about him and Tara. I basically tell him my parents don't believe me when it comes to important things and they never have. He tells me about the time when his friend was going to vandal the with graffiti and break window he told his parents but they didn't believe him either. As we talked I noticed that Charles a I have a lot in common basically my life now and his growing up. We talked for a least 2 hours time just flew by. I know that my parents are even really trying to find me because I can see inside my house from his living room and they didn't seem to worried about me.
"Hey what color do you think you'll paint the room?" I ask
"I think I'll paint it green, like you suggested it I think you were right about the whole lighting thinking."
"Hey I was wondering what school you go to." He asks me .
"I go to Washington high on rose street."
"No kidding I'm going to work there starting Monday!" He says with excitement
"Oh really what class?"
"Science, Mr.Grace is leaving. his parents are dying."
"Oh that's to bad,he's my favorite teacher." I can't believe this he can't because his helped me with things that no one would even think of. And we always went to his room to eat.
"Hey when you come and teach us would you let me and my friends eat in your room during lunch because people don't really like us?" He looked a little surprised at what I was saying.
"Yeah why not then I can learn about you more and your friends, but I'm surprised that people don't like you."
"Well we aren't so approachable people don't know what to say hen they try to talk to us and even if they do come over to talk to us they just play pranks on us." I say
"Well that doesn't sound good why don't you tell teachers?"
"Teachers don't talk to us either."
"I will always listen to you." He says in a very soft voice that welcomes me. I decided that it's late enough and that I should go back home. I tell him that I should go home.
"Ok this was fun you should come back and do this again." He says in that soft voice again. But I think about it and say..
"This was fun, I'm coming over tomorrow to play with Tara maybe after you could help me with my science. He has a smile on his face.
"Yeah that would be fun then I can tell how you learn and get more practice teaching."
"K see you tomorrow." And I leave his house climb back into my room through my window. I know that my parents aren't in the living room so I think they are in their room. The house was really quite which is really rare. So I decide to step out of my room. No one in sight so I run into the bathroom,strip,and take a shower. In your bathroom there is a small window in the corner and I though I saw something but I though it could have been a squirrel so I just forget about it. I step out of the bathroom trying to be as quite as possible then I turn around and there's my dad he didn't look so happy.
"Where were you?" He asks in his deep voice which means his serious. I thought I would tell the truth no use lying if he doesn't care.
"I went over to Charles house and talked." He looked like he was about to laugh.
"You just told us you though he was a kidnapper."
" Yeah I know but I was wrong."
" Mhm,see your mom was right you just wanted to get into some drama so that we would listen to you!" At this point we are yelling.
"Yeah maybe I do want you to listen to me more but what I said about Charles I though that it was true no lie." Then I felt like I was going to start to cry again so I walked past him into my room I fell on my bed shoved my earbuds in my ears and turned the music up as loud as it can go. Then the strangest thing happened to me I feel some one hug me. It was Tyler he must of heard us yelling and this is really the first time I've seen him being nice.
"Lyric can I sleep with you?" He said in his smallest voice that I though was cute.
"Yeah buddy." I scoot over and give him room. We fell asleep hugging each other.
The next morning I forgot that Ty was sleeping with me so I just slip out of bed and got ready for school and no one saw me I was pretty happy I though to my self "I must have been switched at birth and my parent were ninjas.... Yeah that's what happened. Definitely." I walk to school I see Charles out watering his grass.
"Good morning Lyric I hope you have a good day at school."
"Thanks I'll see you later to do some science work." I said
"Yeah how could I forget." I walked to school when I got there people looked at me strange like I was a ghost and they can all see me. I walk over to Jen and ask her what's going on.
"Don't pay any attention to them they have been staring at every one when they walk in like that."
"Oh good I though I had a pimple or something."
"Wow!" She said
"You do have a pimple."
" Thanks" I say with dread in my voice. I walk to my science class.
"When were you going to tell me your leaving?" He looks at me kind of like a sad dog.
"I was going to tell you today, how did you find out anyways?"
"The new science teacher lives across the street form me I was playing with his...." I didn't know what to call her because she was his daughter.
"His niece and he explained what's going on." I said
"He seems nice doesn't he?"
"Yeah he's nice I already asked if me and Jen and Brent and mike could eat in his room he said it was ok."
"Good, now go sit down, alright class......" He started teaching at the end of class he told every one he was leaving but he didn't say why because that's the kind of guy he doesn't want people to comfort him.
I decided that I shouldn't be mad at him and just spend as much time as I could. So we start to eat lunch in his room and talked about where he's going and his parents. He told us that he was going to move into his parents house and teach at his elementary school he was going to teach math which I was really surprised about. Then he asked me about me about my feelings towards the guy in the house across the street.
"He's a really nice guy and his "daughter" is fun to play with." I told him
"What do you mean "daughter"?" He asks
"He's her guardian,she says that he just watches her." I say "it's complicated and even I don't know the whole story."
The bell rings. We say are final goodbyes,hugs,and laughs. I head to math with Brent we sit done I was just thinking about when the first meet Mr.Grace.
"Hey you know when we first meet Mr.grace and he introduced me to you and I didn't even say hi but you came up to me and gave me a hug and I didn't say anything the whole day but you till sat by me and talked to me. Then the next day he I finally asked if we could be friends and the whole reason that we are friends today is because of Mr.Grace he's amazing." I say. He looks at me with he's sweet eyes. I though to my self that one day Brent was gone out sick anD I was eating lunch Mr.Grace he told me that Brent really likes me he really really likes me. To be honest I all ready knew that but to hear it was different and I have to admit he's cute and kind and he'd never hurt me but I think it's best for is just to stay friends for now. I still know that he likes me and I've been on dates with him but I always made sure that he thinks that I think we are just hanging out.
"Yeah and finally after three days of talking and you listening you spoke to me." He said I do remember that I wNted to be left alone but I thought that it might be good to have a friend starting of the year.
"All right class let's begin." Mrs.Gillans says
When I get home from school I enter my house grab an apple and start to do the butt load of homework I have when I hear something weird. But it's not my parents or my brothers it's like a flutter. So I go to the source of the sound and I see black thing in the corner under my bed. I couldn't tell what it was but I ran out of my room screaming then I heard the noise but it was fallowing me this time. I look over my shoulder and see a bat fallowing me I run out of the house? My mom chases after me.
"What's going on?"
"There is a bat in the house!"
"WHAT?!" She runs in the house and grabs the boys my dad isn't home yet so she runs out the door and she gets on her phone.
"What are you doing?" I ask
"Calling the cops this thing is getting out of my house."
"No they might hurt it."
"Then what do I do?" I though about it for a second and then....
Ding dong he opens his door
"Do you know how to get a bat out of a house?" He smiles at me
"Yeah I'll be right over." he put a bag on that had a net on it and lots of other tools that are for making stuff.
"Were is it?" I walk him over to my house I think this is the first time he has been inside my house.
"The last place I saw it it was chasing me in the living room." I said
"Ok you stay out here with your family I'll be back out soon." He says. We wait outside for at least Half an hour probably even more. When he finally comes out he has the bat in his net.
"I'm sorry it took so long it went up in to the attic."
"How did you know it went there?" I ask.
"I could here it squeak and found the ladder in the ceiling." He said
"What are you going to do with it?" I ask. He pauses looks at it.
"I think I'll let it go." He says and smiles at me I smile back. I thank him my mom meets him and shakes his hand and thanks him. I look over my shoulder towards him and he releases the bat it was amazing I don't know exactly what but he smiled at my again I smile and we wave good bye. When I go back inside I notice something strange on the floor by my bed I bend down to see what it was. I think it was from the ceiling when he was up there he probably steeped to hard and some of the dust stuff fell down. I look out my window he was on his steps looking over towards my house. He's a very nice guy.

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