chapter 1: who???

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Legend: "English unless stated otherwise" --- 'Thoughts' --- "Telepathically speaking" --- [Authors' Note]


Psychic powers make the impossible possible.

When two natural espers procreate, a fraction—most the the times all—of their powers get distributed to their offspring/s. In rare scenarios, a child may be unable to use their given abilities, rendering the power distribution a waste.


Saiki Kuniharu and Saiki Kusuo were watching the regular weekend drama scheduled that afternoon in their living room, while Saiki Kurumi attended to her chores in the kitchen. All was tranquil, save for the sounds being omitted by the TV and occasional clacks of plates from the kitchen. The afternoon sunlight shone through the window, providing enough lighting to illuminate the room.

"The culprit seems to have used a Mizuno branded bat, season 3 edition. A limited edition bat that is impossible to simply say they bought it from the store. And I know just the person who would own one—" The show cut shortly within a blink of an eye, replaced with the grinning genius of the Saiki family "Hi~" Hacking is something Kusuke could easily do, so managing to project his call to their TV needed minimal effort to do.

When Kurumi heard the voice of greeting of her firstborn, she rushed to the living room whilst hastily wiping her hands on her apron "Oh, Kuu-kun!"

"Hello mom, little brother" Kusuke purposefully left out the greeting towards his father, but nevertheless, Kuniharu looked just as delightfully surprised as his wife upon seeing their son from the TV screen. Kusuo was not at the very least gruntled at the interruption, and he showed his displeasure through the glare he sent towards his sibling, knowing full well Kusuke could see it.

"It's nice to see you too, Kusuo" Kusuke beamed, completely ignoring his brother's exasperated stares.

"What brought you to call, Kusuke?" Kuniharu asked the bottomline question, Kurumi moving to sit next to him on the couch.

"My friend is moving there with her family. I didn't want her to, but the decision was already set. They already left the airport by now" Kusuke gave a downcasted look, catching Kusuo by surprise as his glare faltered. The mad scientist wasn't one for being attached to someone other than his family. Who is this 'friend' that Kusuke is so fond of, going as far as wanting her to stay with him? "I planned to visit every weekend, but school is taking up most of my time. So I'm entrusting her well-being to you mom, Kusuo"

Kurumi had a hand raised in front of her mouth, brows knitted as she absentmindedly let her next words roll out of her tongue "You mean the friend you're always talking about on the phone?" Everyone shifted their attention to the mother, looks of confusion aiming at her.

"--You talk together often?"

"--You talk together often?"

Kurumi hesitated for a moment, having just realized she spoke out loud and in the presence of her other son and husband, before nodding at the two. The smile that once adorned Kusuke's face came back, "Yes, her" He confirmed.

If the psychic was intrigued, he didn't show it. But despite the lack of emotion and enthusiasm Kusuo was displaying, Kusuke knew he was curious. He knew all of them were "You would meet her soon, little brother. Don't get too excited"

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