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Previously: Waluigi pulled himself away from Y/n and went to the door.

He didn't know who to expect to see when he opened it, but he definitely didn't expect to see Mr. McGuire holding a rose.

"Can I - uh - help you?" Waluigi asked, furrowing his brow.

"Um sorry about this," the teacher said awkwardly. "But uhm... is Y/n in?"


Waluigi stared at him for a moment, eyeing him suspiciously. He didn't at all like the rose in his hand, especially since it was f/c... how did he know that was Y/n's favourite colour? And what did he want from her?

"Love, someone's at the door for you!" Waluigi called her, Y/n came over, Waluigi put a protective arm around her, keeping a glare of warning on the teacher.

"Can I help you?" Y/n asked uncertainly, she'd also noticed the rose in his hand.

"I just think you're really beautiful and I was wondering if you'd like to come out with me," the teacher said, Waluigi's grip on her tightened slightly.

"That's really sweet and all, but I'm in a relationship right now," Y/n awkwardly said, gesturing to Waluigi. "Sorry."

The teacher's face fell slightly, Waluigi's grip on Y/n's shoulder tightened and Y/n was silently begging him to not act out and do anything rash.

"Right well, at least take this rose," he said, holding up the rose, the petals almost touching her nose.

"Okay," Y/n took the rose from his hands and moved it away from right up against her face.

"I think you should leave," Waluigi said sourly, the teacher looked as though he was going to say something but, noticing the height difference and the difference in obvious strength, immediately backed down. Mr. McGuire merely muttered a pathetic sort of apology and left, Waluigi slammed the door behind him before turning to the rose that Y/n was clutching in her hands, she was still shocked from what'd happened and was struggling to process it.

"What a freak," Wario remarked from behind them, making them both jump. They hadn't seen him coming. "How old is he? 70? 80?"

"No idea," Waluigi replied.

"And how old's Y/n?"

"Only 22," Y/n finally found her voice. "Fucking weirdo..." she shook her head, throwing the rose in the bin and slamming the bin shut. "Who does he think he is?!"

"If he comes near you again I'll kill him," Waluigi snarled, clenching his fists.

"No you won't," Y/n said, he took hold of one of his clenched fists, he turned to her and his expression softened. His fists began to slowly unclench. "You are going to ignore him like I will."

"Okay," Waluigi said reluctantly. "I'm sorry love, I overreacted."

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize," Y/n shook her head dismissively. "Just try to control yourself, please."

Waluigi nodded, he was most certainly going to try, but he didn't know if in the moment he'd be able to keep that promise if they were to ever bump into McGuire again. He hoped deeply they wouldn't, he didn't want to betray her trust.

"I love you N/n," Waluigi said after a short silence.

"I love you too Wally," Y/n smiled back.


Come the holidays, Y/n reluctantly trudged into work, Wario at her heal looking around for his girlfriend. While she was happy for Wario and glad she won the bet with Waluigi, she couldn't help but wish he'd waited a little longer before confessing to Jasmine.

As Wario went off to join Jasmine, Y/n went behind the counter to be met by her co-worker Drake. He was in charge of making the drinks while she would take orders. Drake nodded to her and continued with cleaning up the machine. Y/n sighed heavily, setting herself up at the counter.

She hadn't heard from Mr. McGuire since he'd pitched up to her house unexpectedly and was glad of it, though she couldn't help get slightly paranoid whenever she saw an older man anywhere.

She knew she was overreacting and that McGuire hadn't actually done anything bad to her - all he did was ask her out and leave after she said no - it wasn't like he tried to pressure her or anything, but she just felt uneasy. Was it the fact that he was much older than her? Or was she worried more-so about what Waluigi might do if she bumped into him again and he layed a hand on her? She didn't want Waluigi getting in trouble for her, he'd gotten himself through enough trouble to help her and she didn't want him doing any more.

Y/n was pulled out of her thoughts by Drake clearing his throat, she turned to him and noticed he look very nervous. That wasn't like him.

"Are you alright?" She asked him.

Meanwhile Waluigi was making his way over to the coffee shop, Y/n had left her lunch at home and he was on his way to bring it to her. When he entered the coffee shop he noticed she was talking to who he could only assume was her co-worker. He walked up to them, Y/n didn't hear him coming and continued the conversation with Drake. 

It wasn't until Waluigi was right up at the counter when he caught a bit of their conversation.

"So, what do you think of that?" Her co-worker asked.

"Drake, that's perfect!" Y/n was beaming.

What were they talking about? Had he just asked her out? And she said yes? Waluigi cleared his throat loudly, feeling an odd mixture of anger and sadness fill him. Y/n turned around and saw him.

"Wally? What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Your lunch," he replied stiffly, placing the bag down on her table. He glared at Drake. "Maybe you two can share it."

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh come off it!" Waluigi snapped, capturing Wario and Jasmine's attention from a nearby table, they both exchanged nervous looks before eavesdropping on the scene. "I saw him ask you out and you said yes!"

"Wait what?!" Y/n said. "No you're completely misunderstanding - I was helping him plan to ask someone else out."

Waluigi felt himself flush slightly, he glanced at Drake who was nervously looking between Y/n and Waluigi, a look of guilt written on his face.

"Babe..." Y/n began, Waluigi turned back to her. "Drake is gay..."

"Oh," Waluigi knew for sure he was blushing now. He glanced around the coffee shop, there were eyes as far as he could see glued to him. He turned back to Y/n. "I'm sorry about that love."

"It's okay," Y/n, who was struggling to contain her laughter replied. "Thank you for the lunch by the way." Y/n leaned across the table and placed a kiss on his cheek, Waluigi's red cheeks reddened even further and he muttered a goodbye before leaving with his head down.

The chorus of chatter continued after a few moments silence, Wario and Jasmine were both weak with laughter. Y/n rolled her eyes, a smile on her face, and turned to Drake who'd started laughing. Maybe coming into work on the holidays wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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